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Mr. Gibson

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Posts posted by Mr. Gibson

  1. On January 25, 2021 at 3:47 PM, duane v said:

    My daughter took my JL  Epihone Revolution Casino to school to show her band teacher, and instead of putting back in the case right away she leaned it up against a chair and she accidently knocked it over and the headstock cracked. 

    $800 later for a profession fix and five years later no issues and you cant even tell it was ever cracked

    Did you get mad at her?

  2. 2 hours ago, Pinch said:

    I get the drop-down curtain ("Electric, Acoustic, Gear" aso) taking up half the screen on my phone. Something's wrong there.

    I have to turn my iPad horizontal instead of vertical or you get the curtain.

    • Like 1
  3. On January 25, 2021 at 8:20 PM, bigtim said:

    My first USA Telecaster.

    I went for the all rosewood neck.  It was a crap shoot as I knew there have been issues with the fret ends sticking out. Well that would have not been so bad had there not have been 4 silica gel packs in the case.


    However, I must say once it is broken in well, it is going to be very very nice. It is nice and resonate. The neck is so smooth and it really has  a very resonate body and neck combo. Nothing like I have ever had before.  The pick ups sound very good too. It plays so nice and smooth. The feel of the neck is really outstanding.


    If  anyone pulls the trigger on the all rosewood neck model, be prepared to get out the sand paper and files for some touch up.



    Cool beans

    • Thanks 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I'm selling something on Reverb and twice I have been b-tiched at in messages because they have to pay sales tax if they buy it. I don't dictate Reverbs policies. If you have an issue call I-800- Etsy. They bought Reverb and that was when it changed.

    Death and Taxes. They've been living under a rock apparently. The days of Internet tax free sales are gone like a fart in the wind.

  5. I've been doing the exercises everyday and thus far no dizzy spells. 

    I have profound sympathy for anyone who suffers from vertigo. Until you experience it,you have no clue how bad it is. Hope no one experiences it.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, ksdaddy said:


    My father was adopted by a Swedish couple (hence the Scandinavian surname Englund, but the vast majority of my ancestors came over from England). He was raised with a lot of traditional Swedish dishes.  My mother made lutefisk a few times and I do remember eating it and not minding it. Seems like it was some kind of whitefish in a creamy sauce? It's been 50 years probably.

    You need to go to the Hostfest in Minot North Dakota, they have a neat festival every year except this year,got every Scandinavian food you can think of and lots of entertainment too. I'm not Scandinavian but my wife and I go to it a lot for the concerts and eats.

  7. 19 hours ago, brad1 said:

    There is nothing funny about vertigo at all.

    vertigo can lead to major depression and suicide. I know. 

    I believe that, if you had to go through life where this happens a lot you would be depressed and suicidal. I don't know how you manage to get through a lifetime of it.

  8. Thanks guys, If I Could go the rest of my life without having that happening  that again would be great. But I'm a realist,so I'll do the exercises to try and eliminate this.

    The dizziness is way worse than drunken bed spins.


  9. Had my first really bad attack of vertigo yesterday afternoon, it started when I was bending over picking up tools. I'd get dizzy,then sit down,go back to work when it passed,after a couple times of that the dizziness wouldn't go away.

    Went to the house to lay down,as soon as I did it really got bad.  2 rounds of dry heaves and dizziness similar to strokes. Finally got my head in position where I wasn't dizzy and it passed,layed down and passed out for 2 hours.

    After that I got up and did the exercises to clear the tubes in the ear. So far so good,I'll do these exercises often so it doesn't happen again.

    Good thing our resident witch doctor Digger informed me awhile back of vertigo symptoms when a friend of mine had it happen to him,otherwise I'd of headed to the ER thinking I was stroking out again.


  10. 1 hour ago, Retired said:

    Not here yet Jim....I'm 67 and will be 68 in April and I'm still a Stud! At least my wife tells me that all the time. She talks to a lot of women and says that's  very unusual, most women have to pump up their husbands on viagra, Lol. 

    Pics or it didn't happen.lol

    • Like 1
  11. 12 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I work at NASA and we filmed the Moon landing in the big hanger where we park the Space Shuttle. I think George Lucas was the director. See if you can spot Yoda.

    People are stupid.

    I knew you were in on it. Did you kill Gus Grissom too?

  12. More gambling. I've been having a good run on Yahtzee the last 3 months,much to the other players dismay lol. 

    How sweet it is. Money won is better than money earned as they say, then there's the glory of winning.

    Scrabble is another big money winner, the secret is to learn all the the two letter words you can and hope for a Z,Q, and J so you can sneak it in on a triple word. Or if you can't get a high score,sabatoge the other players chances where you can.

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