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Mr. Gibson

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Posts posted by Mr. Gibson

  1. 23 minutes ago, NighthawkChris said:

    Hmmm, are you a racist by chance?

    Because I hate the protesters burning,looting and destroying I'm racist? That's fukkin stupid. You and the rest of like minded people need to learn what a racist is. My God no wonder the country is the way it is.  All this started because a black man OD on fentanyl. End of story.

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  2. 1 hour ago, jvi said:

    ironically you are protesting again.

    Mr. Canada, this is a United States problem.  These kids protesting is just like kids in a candy store. Just sit and watch the protesters and what they do. They all take pictures of the chaos and they're smiling and laughing and dancing around,they're not angry about anything they're doing it because it's fun for them. You can see true anger on a face. None of them have that face. We the people are tired of it. I'm still at fire hoses,rubber bullets and dogs. And tasers. Tasers work good. I've tazzed myself twice by accident,that took the steam outta me and that was just a short hit. Wonder what a few seconds could do.

    • Haha 1
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  3. 1 hour ago, Retired said:

    Deb just bought a new toaster for her new kitchen but a taster shaped into the Henry J car would be cool. I love those old cars. I'll tell you a story.  Way back when I lived at home still in my 20's I bought a 49 Dodge Coupe convertible just for the 392 Hemi motor. I got a super cheap deal on it. I left it in the street by the driveway. My sister had a 66 or 67 mustang fastback. We were headed somewhere and when she started it, every time she pulled the floor shifter back to drive, it died out. After 3 or 4 times of doing that, she reved the engine high and slammed the shifter from park to drive. Haha, I knew what was going to happen but it was too late to say anything. The shifter locked in reverse and backwards we went into the 49 Dodge Coupe. Must have moved my Coupe backwards about a foot or so. So I get out to check the damage she did and all it did to my Dodge was polish the dirt off the chrome bumper. Not even a scratch.  While her Pony, was totaled. Lol I started to laugh when I saw the damage she did to her car. It pushed the rear end into her back widow busting the glass out and her rear end was like a Gibson Flying V.  The frame was bent out of shape. Yeah, Old cars are built Tough. They put some steel in them. 


  4. Went to town last night and came upon a semi vs pickup head on,couple of drunk natives crossed the center line and if not for quick reaction of the farmer who braked and cranked the wheel at the last moment he only clipped passenger side of pickup. They rolled the the pickup and both got ejected out into the field,one was laying face down,but alive the  other got up and dusted himself off and went to his passenger. The semi driver who is a farmer,had serious but not life threatening injuries. 

  5. 17 hours ago, rct said:

    I remember both very well!  Congratulations.  We are punks, 40 years this November.


    I'm a newlywed at 30 years in October.

    44 minutes ago, mihcmac said:

    You haven't lived until you survive Mad Dog 20 20


    Natives here drank this before the oil boom,now it's Crown Royal and heroin.

  6. On August 26, 2020 at 8:38 PM, MissouriPicker said:

    Today I returned to playing my weekly gigs at the sweetest coffeehouse around.   Gusto’s.  I’d been playing there every Wednesday for just over seven years when the shutdown began.   I was very surprised when I got there to find that during the shutdown one of their patrons, who is also an artist, brought them a picture he had sketched of me a few years ago during one of my gigs.  The owner had the picture framed and placed on the coffee house fireplace.  I’m very fortunate to have found this gig and they’ve always made me feel welcome.  It’s great to play somewhere and even the customers remember your name.



    Looks cozy

  7. Fixing fence and hoping for rain. It's rained here everyday for the last 4 days,with a total rainfall at .15 of an inch. At least we're out of the 90s, and in the upper 70s for awhile. Drier than last years crows nest as dad would say.

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