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Mr. Gibson

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Posts posted by Mr. Gibson

  1. 15 minutes ago, Retired said:

    Great. I actually felt bad because she is making me  2 quilts.  I had to go with her to pick out all the materials for a Guitar quilt way back. Yep, I asked for it but had no idea what was all involved in it.  She has to sew paper patterns on the back of each material first. I picked out fabrics  I wanted on the Gold Top, My Surf Green Jaguar, the wine red Gretsch and the Koa top acoustic. It's going to be gorgeous when done but she wants to do this bull Elephant quilt first to learn how to do the guitar quilt for me.  Now the guitar coming?  I'll have to do something special for her! I'm doing a painting for her to hang in our new kitchen, I took Art all through school from the 2nd grade up and won a scholarship in it. I am painting our farm we had in South Dakota and the photo I have goes back to horse and buggy.  The 1800's.  She should love that.

    I envy your painting talent, everything I've seen of yours is amazing work.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, ksdaddy said:

    C’mon guys....everyone on the planet is antsy right now. Let’s not stir the sh— stew any more than it’s already stirred. 

    Good thing I didn't say anything about the newest country in the world located in downtown Seattle lol

  3. 14 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    This is not new.  Are you retired?

    "Employers continue to monitor employees’ online presence even after they’re hired. Nearly half of employers (48 percent) say they use social networking sites to research current employees— 10 percent do it daily. Further, a third of employers (34 percent) have found content online that caused them to reprimand or fire an employee."


    I'm self employed. I beat my employees mercilessly to keep them in line,not spy on them.

  4. 2 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Let's ask Ringo.

    But remember when someone breaks into your house or steals your car, don't call the cops call a looter, they will sort it all out.  What happened was beyond wrong.

    I just did it ---------------------------------- Thread Lock.

    In 5,4,3,2.................................?

    You evil,evil man.lol

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