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Mr. Gibson

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Posts posted by Mr. Gibson

  1. 16 hours ago, pappy said:

    Saturday went to ER, and had symptoms like a flu. They ran tests and wanted to keep me , but I convinced them that I could more comfortable at home than a hospital room. So they did the swab for COVID, and on Wed AM got the call that I have the virus. So isolate for two weeks at least, but feel lousy, fortunately at this point not extreme , but some of the coughing spells are a bit testy, feels as if your lungs are about to turn inside out, so weak that I tried to play some acoustic earlier and just too exhausted to even hold the guitar. 

    I will be glad when 2020 is over , I am not buying into the new normal no matter what. I am a dinosaur and in a world of snowflakes. And soon I will be extinct.

    Get well soon Pappy!

    • Like 1
  2. Checked cattle over at the pasture and then checked them here and found 2 missing a pregnant cow and my old bull,cow was out back laying with her new calf,old bull went to the happy hunting grounds. It must of been there a couple days, all bloated,full of maggots and the smell was a bit overpowering. Scooped it up with the skid steer and after a few dry heaves dumped it on a rock pile. Damn I can't get used that smell ever. Mara was wondering how I could eat after that, cuz I'm hungry that's how. I said  you get used to that,but not the smell.

  3. 14 hours ago, Retired said:

    I went to Dietze and asked where the Riviera was. Getting ridiculous. 8 weeks now and no sign.  Third trip to the store.  A new guy I never seen before looked it up on the computer and had a depressed look.  Told me, it was never ordered.  "Well, if it was never ordered, then cancel it and order it from Sweetwater I said,  Since it's already paid for." He said they can't order from them but he would get on there Epiphone guy and put a rush on it.

    Wth. That is effed up Butch.

  4. Finished making bales yesterday,which is a great relief because slough hay plugs up my nose and makes my eyes scratchy. Today I'm gonna move the bales outta the slough on account it might rain and you don't want them to get wet in standing water.  Saw 3 little foxes on the road last night,had to stop so I didn't run them over, foxes don't bother anything unless you have chickens,so I let them alone as they kill mice and whatnot on the farm. Now coyotes are a different story,not only do they kill calves,but also try to bait dogs in by pretending they're dogs that want to play,even mimicking a dogs barking so the coyote can lead them to the pack and kill them. So I kill everyone I see.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, kidblast said:

    Murph is alive on the AGF.

    I see him there often.  More activity, not a lot of trolls and not a lot of rock fights that go very far.

    sorry not trying to be downer but things here are different, still a nice place to hang but,, different..


    Lots of the old guard here gone. But not forgotten .

  6. On July 31, 2020 at 6:26 AM, kidblast said:

    I know, it's often heresy to post anything other than a Gibson here,  but this arrived on Wednesday.    Took me a few days to get around to getting the DSLR out.  

    814CE DLX V Class.   Indian Rosewood back and sides, Sitka Spruce top. 

    This thing is amazing!  The setup out of the box was great, needs nothing really.  It's effortless to play anywhere on the neck. 

    The V Class bracing really seems to be a game changer.   This is the most musical and "alive" guitar I've ever owned.   Great intonation and sustain too.   For a small body (Grand Auditorium sized) there is lots of volume and well balanced, very "full" sounding with plenty of low end.   Fit and finish, absolutely flawless.  

    Comparing this to my 2006 Grand Symphony which is a great sounding guitar, it just lacks an element of depth and focus that I'm hearing from the 814.

    The DLX models has the arm bevel,  I definitely notice the absence of the "edge" where the forearm rests on a long session.

    Pickup is the standard Taylor ES2 system.   It really does a good job of faithfully reproducing the primary tone of the guitar.  it's not an under saddle pickup, there's no quack anywhere in ear shot.

    She's pretty photogenic too!




    A very nice guitar indeed

  7. 5 hours ago, northcntryblues said:

    Perhaps if the current President actually showed up once in a while to pay some respect, there would be no need for this type of 'political' speech.   

    I respect your opinion, but I don't think he did the right thing.

  8. And on Monday an old family friend committed suicide,he was best friends with my uncle who died in 2001, he never got over that loss. He was 93 years old and said he didn't want to live as long as his parents who were I think 105 and 104, old age ain't for everybody. It was really shocking actually to get that news.

  9. Had to shoot one of my daughters cats,was hiding in the tall grass when  my brother was cutting hay and cut the poor cats back legs and tail off. Needless to say she's feeling great sadness and I hate,absolutely hate putting animals down. And I really liked the cat.

  10. 1 hour ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Here is my saga. I went to boot and SD. Then BEE in SD. I was going to be an ET. After BEE I went to Great Mistakes and started ET "A" School. Well I was 21 and partied too much and failed out of ET "A" school. I got reclassified to EM. EM "A school was a breeze for me and I still had all the electrical theory fresh in my head. Graduated EM "A" school and got stationed in Yokosuka, Japan on the USS Curts (FFG-38), a Perry Class Frigate. During my 2 years there, this clown in Iraq called Saddam stirred up some trouble, and I got to go over there and float around in the beautiful Persian Gulf.

    Then I got out and joined the Coast Guard. Should have done that from the get go. Retired an EMCS.

    Here comes another sad face.

    My dad was a Radioman when he was in The Navy. He was on the USS Intrepid and stationed over in Tripoli at a Comm Sta.

    My dad went to Great Lakes in 1945, he was a driver for officers,My older brother went to Orlando in 1983,He was a yeoman for 20 years. He worked at the pentagon until his office got destroyed in the aftermath of 911. After that he worked for chief of chaplains til he retired in 2003. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Retired said:

    Good for you, I always admired the electricians. My wife's step dad was an electrician at OPPD. He did most of the electrics here at our home restoring it.  We live in a original home stead house from the 1890's. I hate messing with electricity,  I've been shocked too many times. 

    My son is apprentice electrician working his way to journeyman. Went to school 3 years to get commercial,pay ain't great now,but this place does tons of different  kinds of jobs,so the experience he's getting is great. Maybe someday he'll pay me back that 2500 bucks I loaned him? Ya right,dream on Jim dream on,

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