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Mr. Gibson

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Posts posted by Mr. Gibson

  1. 1 hour ago, SteveFord said:

    I took a chance with Guitar Center and had a Les Paul Standard shipped out from Missouri and you know, they done dooed me right.

    The case has a smash down to the bone so now I know what the construction looks like.

    The guitar, though, ohh la la sez me.  I've wanted a gold top since I was 19 and I've never had a Standard nor have I ever had a carved top Les Paul with P90s so this really scratches a lot of itches.

    Here she be, it still has that new guitar feel to it.  Either it was a display model or somebody had it for 20 minutes and hated it and returned it.

    I don't know how the wife would up in this post as well but she hasn't changed very much.




    That is very cool, congrats.

  2. On August 24, 2020 at 9:09 AM, badbluesplayer said:

    They are a ton of work.  Sixteen producing trees.  Fertilize 4 times a year, water every other day from now until frost, pick every day, searching every branch of every tree, every day.  I get pretty sick of it by the end of the season.

    About like my rasberry forest,fun in the beginning,after while not so fun.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I think all post should go right to JVC and he can approve or disapprove of it and let it go live if it meets his strict guidelines.

    He smoked Maple leaves when he was younger,didn't listen to the warnings. Now that ganja is legal up north,he'll be fine after a couple haystacks worth. Oh oh now I'm gonna get it, uh uh Windsor is good whisky,that make it all better I hope.

  4. 46 minutes ago, mihcmac said:

    Christmas of 62 my mom got me a Silvertone acoustic, probably with S&H Green Stamps or from Sears. I sat with it at the piano until I was satisfied I had it tuned correctly, I don't think I stopped playing for several days, even sleeping with it. I do remember being depressed that had to stop for a few days because my fingers were shredded. I started visiting a Music Store close by and eventually brought home a Teisco Del Rey electric 6 string. During one of my many visits to the store I saw this ominous Teisco Bass and after scraping enough funds together, including my lunch money, I brought it home. But while exiting the store some school  friends saw me carrying it and said hey do you play bass? 2 days later I played my first paying gig for a frat party, in 64..

    I built my first bass amp out of 2 old HiFi's with 12" speakers, realizing this wasn't going to cut it my dad rented me a Rickenbacker bass amp for this gig. I ended up buying a ST George bass amp for the following jobs.

    Ah yes,Mothers and their S&H green stamps,would've been some sad birthdays and Christmas's without Mothers and S&H stamps. Good memories, Thanks for bringing that up.

    • Like 3
  5. Not much today so far, yesterday ground feed for the cattle,I'm getting too old to be shoveling oats on a 92 f day in a steel bin. 

    Just got done eating baked spaghetti hot dish,now I'll stare the iPad for awhile. Need to go to the village  to do some banking,get supplies,lick tub for the cattle.

  6. I went to post on it and found it was locked up, I didn't see any bad posts,or I missed it? 

    I believe we're at 1 death and 120 positive in my county,the death was a sweet 77  year old woman who did daycare in town with underlying health issues.


  7. 21 minutes ago, pappy said:

    Damn, I got out  and took the dog for a ride, then went to the grocery store , now I am totally worn out, COVED is still hanging on, and at this point I am  not contagious, the fever had broken two days ago.  So just going out and doing an errand totally wore me out. But getting better, there is a lot of crap that continues to hang on, but at least I am not in the hospital.

    You'll be back to normal before you know it.

  8. On August 19, 2020 at 7:56 PM, SteveFord said:

    The USPS and the Canadian Post are doing their own investigations, I have a police officer coming over tomorrow to dust the plastic packing pillows for prints.  Say that 3 times fast!

    All Federal Employees have to be finger printed so maybe I'll luck out.  

    I may not get this particular guitar but I am more than willing to prosecute.

    Hope they catch the person.

  9. 1 hour ago, MissouriPicker said:

    Interesting conversation about hand exercises.  Strong hands make it easier to play guitar.

    I realize now that I should've used my fretting hand not my picking hand. Crap. I would've been great as ( insert name).

  10. 41 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    It was still in Yokosuka when I left in late '91. Its razor blades now.

    You probably walked by each other, he was stationed in Japan, Philippines, and Hawaii.

    Was also on the Coral Sea,was on it when they ploughed into another ship at sea.


  11. On July 30, 2020 at 8:16 AM, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I'm on my 6th and hopefully final job after military retirement. I worked as a Navy contractor 3 times, working on ships and boats. The big boys I worked on are the Abe Lincoln,  John C. Stennis and  Harry S. Truman.  I last saw time I saw the JFK was when I was down in Florida (still in the Coast Guard) it was starting to get de-comm'ed at the Navy base in Mayport. The USS Midway was the big boy in the Battle Group I was attached to in Japan. We were Commdestron 15. Strange the useless c-rap I remember.

    Never got to stand in front of The Old Man unless I was getting inspected or promoted. You are an over-achiever. The Navy has way to many idiots. The Coast Guard is smaller and has less, and smaller ships. We call them Cutters. 

    My brother was on the the USS Midway,he worked with Admiral Bull as a yeoman.  


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