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Mr. Gibson

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Posts posted by Mr. Gibson

  1. Looking to buy a ES 339 Gibson at musicians friend,15% off which gets the price down to 1954.00. Waiting to hear how many dollars in loyality points I have to bring down further. I have an Epiphone ES 339 which I really like, but really want the Gibson and 57s. 

    I was on the hunt for an ES336  but there's only used ones,and if I'm gonna spend that much on a used guitar I need to look it over as I got burned on a used guitar before. 

    Prolly gonna end up buying this one.  


    • Like 3
  2. 7 hours ago, SteveFord said:

    Found out this morning that at least 3 people in this county have contracted COVID-19 twice - back in May and then in October which caused their surgeries to be pushed back.

    I know this is a small data point but the whole you're immune thing may be not exactly.

    Anything is medically possible said my neurologist. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Scarecrow1120 said:

    found this on Facebook.



    I have a 2010 with ebony fretboard I play the crap out of.

    Also have an almost never played 2013  aged cherry with rosewood fretboard that I should sell if I could get 6K.

    • Like 1
  4. On November 3, 2020 at 5:16 PM, SteveFord said:

    Enough silliness, I finally snagged my last guitar, the one model I sold in the past that just killed me, the ICONIC Firebird VII.

    This is an 05 and has the banjo tuners


    ebony fretboard with a proper headstock (unlike the current Firebird V, hint hint Gibson)


    you saw the Schaller roller for the Lyre tailpiece


    and here's the whole thing.


    I've been after this particular guitar for months and watched (in horror) as it went from the original owner to one flipper after another after another, bouncing from one end of the country to the other.  I just couldn't swing it whenever it would resurface but my wife came to the rescue and floated me a loan for this one.  She's a keeper and so is this guitar.

    It's in really good shape but the gold plating is mostly rubbed off of the Lyre bit.  It kind of looks like someone used a metal polish and went oops...

    Hope you guys enjoyed watching me put together the COVID Collection and poking fun at Gibson's ICONIC marketing machine.  





    That guitar is so cool I want it bad. congrats man!

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Retired said:

    You didn't hear the best part Jim, He have a dirt room floor in the basement where they used to store corn. Yep, so we bury the bones afterwards so no one finds out! Lol So we have a 3 step process,  1. shoot them, 2. feed them to the dog, 3. bury the bones.  We don't seem to get any crooks here. Haha.


  6. I was piling manure outta the feedlot,but since it rained it gets too slippery, so went out for a drive and took some potatoes to my 88 yo friends. They gave me some moose breakfast sausage in exchange. He's 88 and got a nice moose this year.

  7. 18 minutes ago, 'Scales said:

    The most dodgy tax we have in Oz is Land Tax (state level)...basically if you have land over a certain value you pay tax each year....so you neither buy nor sell anything but are taxed anyway without consuming or receiving income. Total rort!

    We have real estate tax here also we pay to the county based on value, a large part goes to support schools. It went up 14.5% last year and now it looks like another 14.5% this year. It went down few years back on acct. of oil boom,but when the oil boom went bust they came back at us. On  2500 acres we are paying roughly about 15K. If you don't pay it,you'll lose the land for taxes.

  8. 2 hours ago, badbluesplayer said:

    Want to fret about a real ripoff?  Capital Gains tax rates.  If people understood how they work everybody would have a heart attack and we'd all die and then the rich guys wouldn't have any customers left.

    Capital gains is the biggest ripoff, I bought land with money I paid tax on,can't write it off because land doesn't depreciate, but if I sell it I pay capital gains.

    • Thanks 1
  9. On October 23, 2020 at 8:53 PM, rct said:

    What time is the 3 o'clock parade?

    I ask the street comedians that every time we are in Hollywood studios down there, and that is a whole lot of times.  Well, used to, before the covid.  Never.  Gets.  Old.


    I submitted your question today. He probably needs help on that one from his staff.

  10. 16 hours ago, SteveFord said:

    Woke up late, worked, fed snakes, worked some more, watched football through my eyelids, got bit by the puppy who was roughhousing.

    Been over a year since my heart attack so finally getting my bloodwork done tomorrow.  I know they have me pumped full of too much thinner, still bleeding hours later from the dog bite.  Conked the little guy out by giving him some turkey, that settled him down.

    Wife is back from all gurlz weekend.  She fainted in a restaurant so something is not good.  

    Hope she's feeling better,happened to my mom when she was at the casino. Blood pressure dropped and passed out.

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