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best strings for an ej 200ce?


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I have one too and will be interested in the responses. I've not experimented much with strings on my 200ce but IMHO it isn't a very bright sounding guitar and could use a brighter string (for me anyway) than the 80/20's I have on it.


I may want to try the same treatment on my IB Texan too.



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A lot of people on here seem to say that if you are going to play mostly unplugged, us acoustic strings and electric strings if you intend to play mostly through an amp. Personally I stick to acoustic strings (normally elixir 11s) so I don't know the comparison, just passing on what I've read.


Aster, I also have an ib texan. I strapped a set of phosphor bronze elixir 11s on last week and my guitar now sounds a thousand times better. I went into more detail on this forum at the time, if you're interested check out the post 'new strings, new guitar'

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  • 2 weeks later...

My error, my EJ200 had Phosphor/bronze D'Addario's and so did the Texan. Just found some martin 80/20's in the drawer new and strung them up to the IB Texan. Tuned it up & HATED THE WAY THEY FELT. Kept playing, they softened up a bunch and I like the ring. The guitar was sounding totally dead (even when the PB's were pretty new). We'll see how I like these in a couple of weeks as I'm keeping the Texan out as a player this next week or two. Got to rotate the playtime so no-one gets the Blues sitting in their case. :rolleyes:



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well mr p90 ive went and got a set fitted and at my local place if you buy a set from them they will fit them for free "result" and your spot on they sound brill,cheers-dan


Im glad you like them, they are the best strings on the market in my opinion, not cheap granted, but you get what you have paid for


Happy stumming mate

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I tend to be an extremely light-fingered fingerpicker, so I use 9-42 on most of my acoustics as well as electrics.




On this particular guitar regardless of how one plays, you may want to look into different gauges of DR Zebra strings.


They're here on the string company's website. It's designed for either mag or piezo, even archtops...


Scroll down to the bottom of this catalog page for the ZEBRA sizes. They're a little more pricey and are uncoated - I usually use Elixir coated strings on my electrics and "strumming" piezo AE guitars - but the price is similar to Elixir at most mail order places anyway.


I really like them... OTOH, I think too that every now and then folks should try something quite different on any given guitar just to shake up their heads. It's not all that expensive anyway.





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