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I finally let go...


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I have a gig this coming Saturday night and I am doing the solo now in Boom Boom, a bluesy, jazzy number. We were already playing the tune but our lead player is playing bass now so I've been working on the solo... Not a difficult solo at all but I was trying to get it note for note and I was all thumbs, just couldn't get it... It's based around a simple major pentatonic scale so I finally I said to myself just feel it and let it flow.... Hellooowww!!! It worked...! I just do the first couple of opening licks to start the solo and then just let whatever comes out happen. Much better if I do say so myself... [rolleyes]

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The same thing happens to me with piano. Once your fingers know where the notes are, you have to just let yourself play it instead of forcing yourself to play it.


After the practice and warm-ups to become agile and nimble...its all about knowing you can do it. Half of my struggle with guitar is having to convince myself I can AS I play.


You got this is all you gotta know, the way you know up is up and water is wet.

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