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After the nuclear holocaust, there will be 2 things left.


Roaches and Peaveys. And the Peaveys will probably still work!


Yeah, I heard that after Katrina, a club flooded down in Louisiana. The Peaveys still worked once they dried [blink]

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I remember those. I don't think I ever saw one in real life, just pictures. There was a Country gunslinger/studio player that used them back in the mid/late 90's. I simply can't remember his name. He toured with the Cash/Nelson/Kristofferson/Jennings Outlaw thing...


Was Brent Mason?

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My Peavey Classic VT Series 2x12 is still rockin' strong. I replaced the original speakers with Scorpions. Kept the original speakers and made (2) speaker cabinets for my stereo system. Still have everything and it all still works after all these years.

I have the same exact amp, albeit Celestion Hot 100's inside. Reliable and durable, this thing could survive a fall off a truck.

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The very first amp I ever had was the Peavy Backstage that my parents got me for Christmas with a Kay starter electric...........


A few years later I traded it even for a silverface Fender Super because my buddy thought it was "Way to Heavy"...........my mother never did get over the fact that I gave away my "nice new" amp and got "That old thing" in trade.....lol.



I think I made out pretty good.





Tom Snell

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