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my 1963 Gibson ES 355


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I bought my Gibson ES 355 new in 1963, and it has been a favorite of mine ever sense purchasing it.

I have always taken exceptional care of it, and have lately been looking into the history of the guitar.

I found out some information just yestertady that I was unaware of.

This guitar <mono version> Grover Rotomatics, Bigsby tremelo,no serial number on back of head stock, cherry finish,gold hardware had a run of only 66 guitars for that model/year.

I remember the purchse price in August of 1963 was $850.00 plus the case, which was a little less than $100.00.

I have seen numerous ES 355 guitars over the years and have always thought about buying a second one if I could find one in great condition, but have yet to have seen one in as nice as condition.

That was some interesting iinformation that I just learned about yesterday.

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Hey brc, The pictures are blurred, but your 355 looks very nice [thumbup] I bet that there are not many here on the Forum that can claim a new purchase of such a fine guitar in 1963....let alone ..... that they STILL own. I was 10 tears old in '63 and most likely did not know what an ES-355 was or looked liked at that time. Of course, I learned later on and owned a '67 ES-355 Stereo/ Varitone model which after purchasing,I discovered that the original electronics had been re-placed...???!!!????


I later determined that the neck was too thin for my liking anyway and Bye-Bye it went.....I even re-built the Varitone circuit and had a re-placement P'guard made for it! The original was decomposing/gassing very badly.....Not fond memories of that particular "guitar deal"....Ha!


The same dealer that I bought that one from, 'got me' again on the purchase of a '63 Firebird III....Had a (not detectable by me at the time) repaired headstock fracture.... I took a 'bath' on the re-sale of that one also....


Bad taste in the mouth......But RIP to the man....He died of Lung/breast cancer several years ago....


Did not mean to go off on a tangent....Nice guitar....Nice story....bad pictures.....[cool]

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Thanks every one. I am very proud to have it, and the condition it is in.

I have been offered huge amounts for it, but out of my 34 or so guitars, this is one that will never be sold. As you know, they do become part of the family, and I could not imagine ever letting it go.

Far as sound clips, back in the 60s we did maake a couple of records, and I have the master tapes some where. If I can find the tapes, I will try and post some. The guitar has very mellow tone to it, compared to my Les Paul, Strats, and Telecasters.

I actully still have my amp too,its a 1964 Fender Bandmaster also in mint condition with the original tubes and black covers.The Fender museum in Corona Ca. asked me to display the amp in one of their displays, but I just have not taken out there.I will try and take better pictures soon as I can.

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