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Gibson Brands Forums

Neck Size

Joe M

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Are there any Gibson acoustics that come with 1 11/16" nut width as standard? Even though it's less than a sixteenth of an inch, I have a harder time playing my Gibbys than I do my Martins with the smaller neck. Would the smaller nut have to be a special order?

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It may be the neck profile as much or more than the width of the nut. A lot of Gibson flat tops from about 1950 through about 1964 have 1 11/16" nuts, in my experience. Modern ones? None that I have, for sure.


Gibson electrics today generally have the 1 11/16" nut. Not so the acoustics.

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My AJ Mahogany short scale and '94 L-20 Special have a 1.77" chunky neck and I love it!!! '23 L-2 has 1 3/4", J-200 and J-45 have 1 23/32", CF 100 and LG-1 and Mk-72 have 1 11/16"...takes me about 5 minutes to get used to switching between them all....no big deal!

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