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This ain't Gibson, but........


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I know that 'times are tight'....they certainly are with my wife and I (working taxpayers), and others we know, AND.....big ticket items, like '59 Byrdlands are surely out of range.....BUT vintage 30's....pat.pending National fingerpicks 'might' be 'do-able' until they reach these kind of prices....

If I am reading it wrong.....PLEASE tell me...?????




Gives 'new meening' to the "moniker" 'GOLDFINGER'

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know, if that pick was on eBay and two bidders fought over it and drove the price to $175 I would be amused and probably wouldn't fault either one. It's their money. But for a seller to take a sip off their coffee, rub their chin and say "let's price it at $175" takes on a different tone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They definitely didn't list this on April 1st? And I'm imagining beautiful clear tones from my first finger with the National pick, but what about the thumb and second finger, wouldn't they ruin the effect?


I do like Elderly as a dealer though.

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