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easy photo resize


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hey peeps- just found an easy way to resize pics for posting here.After much buggerising around, I simply emailed my pics to myself and -voila-pics post size! Worked for me anyhow!


Sorry- just realised that I probably should've posted this in the Lounge- apologies, I'm still working this all out.

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I tried that but it didn't work for me. The pic showed up smaller in the email window but when resaved it's the original size.

If you're on a PC it's easy enough to do in Paint if you have nothing else.


Load pic into Paint

Right click on the pic

Choose 'Stretch/skew' from the drop down menu

Type a percentage in the 'Resize' option boxes at the top



It took longer to type that that it does to do.

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I recently set up an account at postimage. Seriously cool, no futzing around between apps, integrates with windows. Makes photobucket and imageshack seem like kids toys ... and it's FREE



Not affiliated, just finally happy I found an easy way to share pics

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although i have and use several options, as noted above, paint is just fine. if i only have a pic or two, i can pull them off the camera, dump them on the desktop, resize and save as jpeg in paint. takes a minute or so. i'm using win7 and the resize button is right on the home tab- you don't even have to go looking for it anymore. you'll have to experiment with the percentage to shrink your pics based on your camera settings.


for more advanced photo editing (for utter lay people) google's picasa works very well, couldn't be simpler and is free. you can crop your pics and fix up the light/color a little and what not. it also allows you get silly with the filters and effects.

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