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Guest Farnsbarns

I wasn't aware you could see who rated you. I don't think anyone pays any attention to it so I wouldn't worry.


I'd like to see the return of the +/- buttons but they were removed due to "misuse". I'm not sure how one misuses such a thing. Seems like I should be able to click minus for any reason I see fit. Silly question, inability to use Google, bad advice, all valid reasons to my mind. I wonder how Gibson had intended their use before they took them down, and why they didn't publish some guidelines if they felt they had and intended use and a definable misuse. Ho hum....


Back on topic, how do you know who rated your profile?

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i dont know who did it. i dont really care. i just thought it was funny there was a passive-aggressive way to get in a dig at someone [biggrin]


isn't that why the +1 system was removed? People were upset their posts were getting negatives?

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I teach a senior level class which has about 100 students. I find it funny when some students say I'm the best professor they've ever had while others say that I'm the worst professor they've ever had. Some go further and say that I shouldn't ever be allowed to teach! If I paid attention to the negative comments then I'd be giving everyone an A for doing nothing in my class. I actually do pay attention to critical comments that I think would benefit the class, but never to personal attacks.


Bottom line for me is that I don't care what my User Rating is. Didn't even notice the switch.

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yeah, i havent been around in a long time. and i was looking at my profile and saw the user rating thing and thought it was funny. Seems like a pretty pointless function to have. Though being able to see who is rating you would be make it mas intersante.


Speaking of not being around, where is ol' Thunder?

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