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Cleaning your strings


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Baby wipes. [thumbup] No, I'm not kidding.


I bet they do a good job... good idea.

when I think of it, i use a hand towel and wipe em down after i play. if im gigging regularly i change em every week or every 2 weeks just cuz i sweat so bad during a gig theyre pretty much done.

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I clean them with a WHITE "T" shirt after each gig before the guitar goes in the case. The next day I clean them AGAIN by running a Q-tip soaked in WD-40. Cleans off any "cheese" I missed and makes them sound brand new.


another good idea

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Went to using Elixir strings a few years ago. Coating between the winds keeps dead skin and junk out of there so they last about 3 times longer than non coated strings. But once their gone I just change them. Never used cleaners, liquid etc on the strings although always wipe down the back of the neck after playing.


Like the idea of the string cleaner contraption, but wonder how thin it is? There ain't much room between the bottom of the string and my frets on most of my guitars.

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Been on here a long time and I don't recall anyone ever talking about cleaning the strings. I'm just sitting here going over some of the tunes for tomorrows band rehearsal and noticed the strings felt kin of, icky... I don't feel like changing the strings so I'm thinking of getting a cloth and some alcohol and one by one running the soaked cloth up and down each string and then finish them off with some fast fret... What do you guys do when you're too lazy to changed the strings or get a little more life out of them?


Ernie Ball makes individual 'string wipe' packs. Since I've switched to a medium guage set I don't break high e's anymore and therefore leave the set on longer (and I think they become more comfortable) as long as I clean the gunk off with a string wipe. EB also makes individual lemon oil fretboard conditioner which I use also (when I change strings). Comment on

new strings: they buzz where the old set did not and they are stiffer as well ... the last set I just changed became very comfortable bendy wise even though some of the luster was lost with use.

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I use Ernie Ball Wonder Wipes when I feel that they starting to fade. Usually doubles string life for me.


Cheers... Bence


yeah, i get in the habit of using the EB wipes too just to keep an old set clean longer. In Canada they're about a buck for six individual wipes and I reuse them alot.

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Did it. Strings feel better but they keep going out of tune.... :huh: I'm guessing running the alcohol up and down the strings heated and cooled the string making them unstable for a time... We'll see how it goes after playing for a while...



Once you've stretched a string too many times playing, it won't stay in tune anymore. No point cleaning it then man! Get a new set.[thumbup]





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