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Gooooooooooo Ridersssssssssssss!!!!!!!


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Ya ok,, so none of you know or care about the CFL.

Or perhaps you don't even know what it is...


And I don't care.



But my team, today, just made it to the Grey Cup!!!!!!!!!


Which here in Canada is a huge frickin deal....


It's our pathetic equivalent of the Super Bowl.


So I don't care whether you care or not,, I am fu(K!ng stoked about our win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And I just felt it necessary to proclaim our victory on here whether you all care or not...




GGGGGGGoooooooooooooooooooooo RRRRRidddderzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!


Ya baby,,






Ya ok,, nothing to do with guitars,, so what,, neither does half this other crap... lol




We are in the Grey Cup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ya baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have always been a Hamilton Tiger Cats (Ti-Cats) as they are generally called.I hardly bother to watch unless they are playing.Due to my being at the far east of Canada,I don't have the opportunity to watch CFL games,the closest thing to an actual game I saw was an exhibition game between the Ti-Cats and the Argos back in 1974 at the Ivor Wynn stadium.When I was in Hamilton a few years ago I didn't get enough time to go to the Ti-Cats merchandise store and get the Chuck Ealy jersey I always wanted,maybe some day I'll get back there.

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Hey,, thanks Guys. O:)

Appreciate the kind words.






I have always been a Hamilton Tiger Cats (Ti-Cats) as they are generally called.



Well Congrats to you to bonzoboy,, your Cats are also in the cup.


I was calling for a Rider TiCat match up a couple of weeks ago.

I couldn't be happier with the teams playing this year.


Next weekend Woooooooohooooooo!!!!!!!!!



Go Ridersssssss !!!!!!!!!!!


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Ya baby....



So Tom Hanks and Martin Short were here to represent the TiCats,,against our humble Riders.

Not even their pathetic "Oskie Wee Wee" chants were enough to beat our Riders.


Just like last weekend in the Western Final,, we completely dominated and crushed our opponents.







YA BABY!!!!!!


Saskatchewan Roughriders take the Grey Cup,, at home...


I'm sure none of you know what that means or how big a deal that is... but from here where I sit,,

it's freakin huge....

Ya Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goooooooooooooooooooooo Riders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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