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Amp and speaker cabs?


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Quick question about connecting extension cabs to my Mesa Boogie Express Plus 5:50. I have two 16ohm cabs wired in parallel and the Mesa's speaker is 8ohm. If I want just the extension cabs running do I leave the combos speaker unplugged?

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Correct. Two 16 Ohms cabs in parallel make an 8 Ohms load, so the combo speaker should be disconnected for proper poweramp operation.

Thank you sir. Can I plug the combos speaker into the 4ohm and have the extension cabs in the 8ohm at the same time?

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Thank you sir. Can I plug the combos speaker into the 4ohm and have the extension cabs in the 8ohm at the same time?

This could cause serious damage of the poweramp valves/tubes and/or transformer.


Here's how you can use all your speakers and same time match output and load impedances:


You may connect both of the 16 Ohms cabs and the 8 Ohms combo speaker via an external adaptor, resulting in a 4 Ohms load, and plug them all together into the 4 Ohms output. In this case I think it would be best to build a solid box with four jacks connected in parallel, and to use one as the input from the amp, the others as outputs for the speakers.

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You'll need to run either the combo's speaker or the extension cab. So plug the two cabs that are in parallel into the 8 ohm jack and unplug the 8 ohm speaker. If you try to run both cabs parallel and then parallel it with the single combo speaker, the single speaker will be taking as much wattage as all the other speakers together, so that's not good. Better to run either the cabs or the combo speaker.

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Guest Farnsbarns

You'll need to run either the combo's speaker or the extension cab. So plug the two cabs that are in parallel into the 8 ohm jack and unplug the 8 ohm speaker. If you try to run both cabs parallel and then parallel it with the single combo speaker, the single speaker will be taking as much wattage as all the other speakers together, so that's not good. Better to run either the cabs or the combo speaker.


As long as the combo speaker can take half of the total wattage it will be fine. I assume it can actually take a lot more than the entire power output as it's a combo. There will be an effect on sound/tone but it cannot be assumed that "that's not good", It might be great. It'll certainly be subjective.

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Sweet amp, congrats!!!


I am running the earlier 5:50 Express head with a 16 ohm Fender Super Sonic (V30 loaded) cab. You will find great info for recommended speaker connections (and diagrams) in the owner's manual.


The best advise! The owner's manual covers different options for connecting speakers.

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As long as the combo speaker can take half of the total wattage it will be fine. I assume it can actually take a lot more than the entire power output as it's a combo. There will be an effect on sound/tone but it cannot be assumed that "that's not good", It might be great. It'll certainly be subjective.

Good point!! [biggrin][thumbup]

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