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Check the spacing on those if they are comfortable for fingerpicking, JZ!



On of the main joys of the CEO7 for me - it has 1 3/4" nut, Mod V neck and 2 5/16" bridge spacing and I am really enjoying the space!










The garden mulch under the bench is previous eBay guitar buys....... [mellow]



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Thanks! I do need to keep that in mind. My L00 is so damned easy to play with the fat nut. It might be more the V neck allowing me to spread out my grip, as I'm still tiring quickly when playing the L0, which has a flatter 'C' shape. Same nut size but way different to play. It's a little upsetting after the long wait and $$ invested. I think there are a couple strings that need to have the nut slots lowered, which I'll do next weekend. I think it's something my luthier skimmed over. Very little fingerpicking going on these days as my beat up hand isn't so flexible anymore.


Congratulations on repurposing the old guitars. Very 'green' of you. That must be what they mean by sustainable. I think I hate the word repurpose twice as much as sustainable.

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Of course, number one is the thing has to feel good and sound good to the person playing!



Specs but a guide, but I have tried to highlight them because a lot of people are looking for that OM style neck, but if people who are used to standard necks and nuts grab one , they could be in for a surprise...so try before buy!



Oh and the mulch also stands as a subtle ( ish ) warning to poor performers in the fleet......you know, excuses such as old strings, dodgy nut, saddles and other flimsies ......not good enough, girls! Pick up the act!!!





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Have you ever thought of a career in guitar photography?


Reminds me now that I've moved I must have the photo of the resonator that you were kind enough to upload for me blown up and hung on the wall here.







Thanks Mr FMA!!



Well, as a guitarist, I make a great photographer and as a photographer, I make a great guitarist...... :mellow:


And.. Both pursuits have been somewhat financially draining instead of profitable....


You know, I have been asked to play here and there over the years, but I have never, ever, ever been asked to take photos of people's guitars...


(I took photos of a friends band a few times, but doubt if I could ever crush sensitive egos again like I did then! And I wasn't asked again....)




But, you know if anyone wants to send their guitars to me in the deep, deep, deepest South in the South of Australia, well.......I'll try and get a picture after giving it a pick..... Send them back as soon as I can....




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Counting on my great luck with Ebay, no knowledge of the model, flying by the seat of my pants, I hit the button on a mid-90's Martin 000-1. It looks to be a much loved everyday player. I figure 20 years of breaking in should show itself in tone. That era's machine built guitars are said to be well built and consistent.


Fingers crossed...can't wait.

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Counting on my great luck with Ebay, no knowledge of the model, flying by the seat of my pants, I hit the button on a mid-90's Martin 000-1. It looks to be a much loved everyday player. I figure 20 years of breaking in should show itself in tone. That era's machine built guitars are said to be well built and consistent.


Fingers crossed...can't wait.




A bit of a strange choice, but congratulations.


I wasn't sure I had heard of the model, so I looked up the spec sheet at Martin -





Unless already altered - Corian Nut and it doesn't say the size, but probably 1 11/16". It has solid mahogany back, but laminate side and the A frame bracing/ If you like it, you could soon change the nut and possible the bridge to bone.



As a guess, it appears the guitar has very similar specs as my first Martin - an early 000c-15e all mahogany, which is a great guitar after being played on and off for many years.



I am slow off the mark today - someone coughed on me and gave me the rotten flu or a virus and I have had a shite couple of days...





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Here's the link to the listing I stumbled on at the very beginning of the auction. Looks to be lovingly played daily for 20 years. Nice break-in period, I figure. I've been missing out on pre-60 00's and 000's, some by bid and some by price. Got so frustrated I settled on the gamble. I'm thinking I'll have a gem. Martin site describes it at length, and I think it'll calm this aging flatpicker down for a spell. Considering where it's located and the fact that it's currently -12 degrees F'heit here, I'd love to pick it up in person. that's halfway to your house, BK. 12 EZ interest free payments, too! Yowza!

Feel better.


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OK..I'll give you the lap slide as your third. Your playing styles and strong skills notwithstanding, you still have to bring it down to 2. Choose.




Backed up a way...survived a day of coughs and nose running to make it with a sore stomach muscle from coughing too much and now my eyes have been running like my nose yesterday...how long does this go?


Anyway in my weakened feverish state of just struggling through work and not much fun playing guitar, this new analogy of brands came to me...and I'm not on anything !


My weekly work uniform at home consists of black t-shirt and track pants....need some new ones, but currently I have 4 Gibson t-shirts, 2 a good fit, 2 a bit small but ok under a sweater in cooler weather....2 Martin t-shirts perfect fit, and 3 National Resophonics t-shirts! (All supposed to be the same size, but....)


The Martin shirts are a nice thick material that are a nice shape and fit even after years of washing.... (Fruit o' the Loom brand)


The National shirts are thick and largish and were nice when new, but since they have worn in the neck gets an uncomfortable 'ropey' feel that I keep tugging down at the front.... (No brand name)


The Gibson shirts that I got are flimsy, and the same size as the others above are too small, and I went back and bought a couple with 2 sizes up, but these are real comfortable! (No brand name)


The Gibson shirts have kept their black while the others have faded badly!



So can I compare the t-shirts to my guitars?





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Probably no guitar relationship there, my friend, except that you can lose your shirt buying 'em. Looking forward to some A-B-C comparisons. I've never had a small-ish bod Martin near my L's.



Lose the shirt buying! :mellow:




I was thinking the t-shirts indicate a reflection of the guitar- the Martin is a good fit but fades, the National has an annoying neck, and the Gibson is a bit flimsy but keeps it shape, is comfortable and colorfast......




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Just another acoustic guitar fool, OWF!




I was just logging on to post these photos - I still have an awful flu thing....



So you think these 3 guitars below would sound the same, but the only thing the same is they have 6 strings each!:








These ones all have the Martin sound there, but also all very different in other ways...bizarre:








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BK…..I know what you mean…I'll bet those all have a unique sound! I also did a similar thing, I have the L-20 Gibson..a 12 fret Nick Lucas body type, A SCGC 13 fret H-13 Nick Lucas Body type, and a Tacoma PKK40 14 fret Nick Lucas type body. All different necks, different tone woods, different sounds….I love them al!


Back of the H-13….flame Mahogany




The L-20




The Tacoma



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