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77 Hummingbird

Joe M

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Not sure why you're interested in this one. Not a good era. Not a good price.


Personally, I'd save another six hundred and look for a used '91-'15 'Bird or if vintage is your game you should be able to find a '66-'69 (serial numbers are often of little help) for a little more or less.


If you play this model and it speaks to you, I'd offer no more than $1500.


Don't know your experience level with 'Birds, either. They often aren't the guitar people think they are. Of course, if you've played them before, you know what you like.


I think a J-45 for around $1700 is a good deal for modern. I recently bought a '64 J45 for $2500 and it's really all I need. Except for LG1, my LG3...but I have more, of course.


You could also look for a CW in the $1700 range, maybe less. Sal and I have both had good luck with the SherylCrow CW model. Mine was from 2003. Paid under $1700.

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Are you really looking for this year 1977 model ?

It probably has double X bracing, it is better to look for an older model or newer like said above (Bozeman era).


For an example of what a hummy with double x brace is :



Double X bracing seems to stiffen the top and does not allow it to vibrate as much as single X.

It would be at least better to try it and see if it suits you.


Price seems high to me, as you could afford one of the latest years hummingbird which in my opinion sounds fantastic (warm, woody tone with slight compression in the middle range).

Maybe you don't care about what i wrote because you know this already (or i'm just wrong^) and just want that particular model, in this case i'm sorry. :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the input, guys. No, I wasn't really interested in buying the guitar, just thought it seemed not quite right and wanted some other opinions. Sorry if I was misunderstood.


Oh, EA, you are exactly correct, it ain't a HB with those kind of fret markers..... [rolleyes]

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Yeah, you'll get honest advice in here. Most of these folks know far more than I do about particular guitars, but one thing I noticed almost immediately is that the guy didn't offer many pics, and the ones shown are pretty dark. I had an 80-81 bird that got destroyed and I thought it was pretty sweet, but in all sincerity I doubt that at its best it was nowhere near the Hummingbird I now have. It's always fun to shop, but you're likely smart to not have much interest in this one.......Let us know if you come-up with something.

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