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Gorgeous live plugged in sound


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Jammed with friends last night, full band setup. One guy had a Takamine G series acoustic, about 15 years old, through a Fender Acoustatonic 150. The sound was beautiful! I noticed it bigtime when he some lead runs. I should have had him play a strummy song alone so I could hear it like that. I know Takamine is known to have some with really good plugged in sound. Some questions for you guys...


1. Wondering what you think it was... the guitar or the amp?

2. Do you know any particular Takamine model to give good plugged sound?

3. Are smaller models of the Acoustatonic delivering same technology as the 150 model with just less volume or what?

4. Do you know of any other setup that provides gorgeous live sound, any brand/model?

5. Are other manufacturers producing pickup systems that rival great Takamine plugged in sound?

6. Is it a good "mix" to play through an amp for your guitar and for your vocal, something like Fishman SA220/330, Bose Compact (or any PA) or is it a train wreck? (Versus having everything run through the PA or into a mixer, then PA.)


Last time we jammed, I had my J45 Standard going into a Fishman Aura, going into a Yamaha mixer/PA and it sounded real good for what I do, which is rhythm or chord/melody accompaniment when I sing, I got several major compliments. But this guy's setup was unreal! on his lead runs.


Would sure appreciate input on any of this, thanks.

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I had a Fender acoustic amp that sounded pretty good. I’m sure it was a combination of the amp and Tak’s great electronics. The room acoustics always adds some “flavor” to the sound as well.

Any beer involved? That changes your perspective also (JK).


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Live sound with an acoustic guitar is almost always a compromise and depends on many external factors. I do think an on-stage combo amplifier of some sort gives a player more control, opposed to a direct signal to a PA system where the sound is subject to the ears of the sound man. The room itself plays a major role in what an audience hears out front. The players' style certainly comes into play, as does his/her perception of good live sound. And since everyone hears things differently, good live acoustic tone is subjective. I personally believe that the only people in a room that really listen with a critical ear are other players.......an audience generally does not pay much attention, and I've migrated to that side of the issue to a large extent. As long as the amplified sound is a reasonable facsimile of the guitars' acoustic tone I'm good with it. No boomy bottom end, no shrill ear piercing highs, no howling feedback........I'm good to go. I think a lot of time, effort and money attempting to capture an authentic acoustic tone is an exercise in futility, particularly in a bar gig situation where there are too many variables to correct for. Now this is not to say that perfect amplified acoustic sound is not achievable, just that it's absolutely not required for situations the average weekend warrior finds him/herself. For myself, the time spent honing the delivery of songs is much more effective in capturing the attention of an audience than concerning myself with any shortcomings in the sound of my guitar.

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