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GA-5 For Sale on Ebay


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I believe it was the sticker shock everybody experienced when they first came out.

Some retail stores were asking as much as $800.00.

I saw a used, floor model for $650.00 before I found mine.

They're awesome little amps.

I just got off mine. Been playing the Telecaster through it all morning.

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I believe it was the sticker shock everybody experienced when they first came out.

Some retail stores were asking as much as $800.00.

I saw a used' date=' floor model for $650.00 before I found mine.

They're awesome little amps.

I just got off mine. Been playing the Telecaster through it all morning.[/quote']


Does point to point wiring make that much of difference in tone/sound quality?

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Does point to point wiring make that much of difference in tone/sound quality?


It is not the point to point that makes the difference it is the quality of the components, those GA-5s are built by Mojo and they use good stuff.


Point to point is a bit messy since you do not have a turret board. But this amp circuit is so basic that the point to point makes sense. No way i would ever buy a point to point amp that had a more complex circuit.


EDIT: actually the GA-5 does have a turret board, it is NOT point to point...handmade, yes.

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