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J45 1960’s hcs mellow yellow limited edition


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I thought it might be like the current Original 1960's J-50/J-45 but it's not. Nut width of the Donavan is 1.725" (too wide for a real 60's J-45) but the new 60's models are 1.69". It also has a pickup and the new ones don't. I have a 2020 original 60's J-50 and really like it. Has been my favorite acoustic since I got it last Spring. But I also have a real 1965 J-50 and aside from the appearance, the new one is completely different (in a good way however).

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Thanks for your comments.

After further research I found out that the 2014 Donovan special has different specs compared to the 2004 in question. the one I’m considering has no pickup and a 1 11/16 nut width. As a nice special it has a hand signed certificate from Ren Ferguson .

also the table is more honey and not so cherry colored.

here’s an ancient reverb ad with the same model. this one is the very first model of 27 in 2004


Here’s another older listing https://reverb.com/item/29219090-gibson-historic-collection-1960s-j-45-donovan-mellow-yellow?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=29219090


i think I give it a go. This might be a great pair with my advanced jumbo 

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