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Where to find replacement tuner "buttons"?


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Hey  y'all,


My main guitar is a 2021 Antique Natural Explorer with Grover Minis and I'm looking to replace the tuner buttons on it.


It currently has chrome "bean" shaped tuner buttons, but I'd like to replace them with the ivory tuner buttons that a lot of other Gibson models come with from the factory.


A couple questions:

1. Is it straight forward to take a replacement tuner button and swap it out on mini grovers?

2. Where would I find tuner buttons like the ones that come on Korina explorers from the factory? I see a bunch of random ones on Amazon and Reverb, but I'm hoping to get some "genuine" parts...


Korina Explorer tuner buttons for reference:



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Replacing tuning machines depends on where the holes are made to secure them to headstock.  If we are talking Grovers, typically a single screw hole is made where the older ones you are showing in the pic probably have 2 screw holes.  No guarantees things will line up and probably have to be careful not to make things crooked...  A good luthier can do this right - emphasis on the "good" part.  You probably have to do some filling of holes too which isn't a huge deal, but may have finish marks remain from original tuners.  Also, are you using the vintage pressed tuners or the tuners with a nut to tighten on the top...  This will affect the size of the hole too where you might need reaming done - and no going back easily after this.  Yo may already have a set of holes reamed out too large for the vintage looking tuners...  Hard to say unless you give more information addressing some of the points I brought up. 

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