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The one change Gibson made that ruined Gibson guitars.


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I used to be a moderator on a forum that had this one guy that would put up “fan” posts with hidden snipes or veiled jabs at the product.  Posts like, “oh, great product. I did my whole project with it, turned out perfect, and even though X disaster happened and I had to do Y, it worked out.” Or, “Yeah, it has these leading edge features, but I wish it did X or had Y, like these other guys do.”  

Guess who he worked for?  We kept kicking him but he’d just pop back up with a new nick. It got to be a total joke.  And man would he get nasty and insulting too when we just started calling him out on his BS. 

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1 minute ago, PrairieDog said:

I used to be a moderator on a forum that had this one guy that would put up “fan” posts with hidden snipes or veiled jabs at the product.  Posts like, “oh, great product. I did my whole project with it, turned out perfect, and even though X disaster happened and I had to do Y, it worked out.” Or, “Yeah, it has these leading edge features, but I wish it did X or had Y, like these other guys do.”  

Guess who he worked for?  We kept kicking him but he’d just pop back up with a new nick. It got to be a total joke.  And man would he get nasty and insulting too when we just started calling him out on his BS. 

I dont mind when people come on and complain about the product. We are all fully aware that when buying a Gibson you gotta do a bit of searching to find that one, that A, suits you and B, doesnt have any issues. And we have seen plenty of real issues with Gibsons over the years.

What I do have an issue with is when someone comes on with no proof at all apart from its something they may believe and suggests that any guitar that isnt built to a certain spec is not going to have good tone or sustain. That is obviously trolling which is why I said it. And its not something I do often on here. And it is total nonsense.

If the OP has some sort of proof, fine.. Show us. But if he somehow expects all of us Gibson owners who love our guitars to all of a sudden say, OMG he is so right. I now hate all my guitars that I have loved all these years and want to sell them. Well, that would be a bit ga ga..  So what else can it be but trolling?

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2 minutes ago, Rabs said:

I dont mind when people come on and complain about the product. We are all fully aware that when buying a Gibson you gotta do a bit of searching to find that one, that A, suits you and B, doesnt have any issues. And we have seen plenty of real issues with Gibsons over the years.

What I do have an issue with is when someone comes on with no proof at all apart from its something they may believe and suggests that any guitar that isnt built to a certain spec is not going to have good tone or sustain. That is obviously trolling which is why I said it. And its not something I do often on here. And it is total nonsense.

If the OP has some sort of proof, fine.. Show us. But if he somehow expects all of us Gibson owners who love our guitars to all of a sudden say, OMG he is so right. I now hate all my guitars that I have loved all these years and want to sell them. Well, that would be a bit ga ga..  So what else can it be but trolling?

Oh, completely agree, I realize I left out the snipes were often irrelevant in this type of product, that nobody would have, or common sense would say “don’t do that.” Our product actually had *better* Xs and Ys than the brand he was comparing to, because they cheaped out.    But he was doing the old mind-game of insinuating the other guys had something different, that he wanted, so it would encourage eyeballs off our product onto his.  Most folks would come back after seeing how low end the other product was compared to ours. Like Gibsons, expensive, but it showed in build quality and performance. 

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1 hour ago, Rabs said:

And you sound like someone who would love a Gibson but cant afford it so you get upset and make up crap like this to make yourself feel better that all LPs built after the 50s are rubbish..


Where is your proof that it makes any difference to tone or sustain?

I bet you're over 50 and have never progressed further than noodling around on a guitar, right? This conversation is for real guitar players who use their instruments for more than showing to their guests on holidays. Simping for gibson is like falling in love with a prostitute. the affection will never be returned.

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27 minutes ago, PrairieDog said:

Oh, completely agree, I realize I left out the snipes were often irrelevant in this type of product, that nobody would have, or common sense would say “don’t do that.” Our product actually had *better* Xs and Ys than the brand he was comparing to, because they cheaped out.    But he was doing the old mind-game of insinuating the other guys had something different, that he wanted, so it would encourage eyeballs off our product onto his.  Most folks would come back after seeing how low end the other product was compared to ours. Like Gibsons, expensive, but it showed in build quality and performance. 

"What I do have an issue with is"

No one gives a **** what you have an issue with. Your problem is that you have a bunch of shitty, overpriced guitars that you bought purely because of the Gibson name on the headstock and you hate being reminded that your 7 grand r9 is an inferior instrument to any number of japanese instruments that can be had on ebay for under a grand. That's what all you gibson simps are ***-chapped over.

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5 minutes ago, fujifan said:

I bet you're over 50 and have never progressed further than noodling around on a guitar, right? This conversation is for real guitar players who use their instruments for more than showing to their guests on holidays. Simping for gibson is like falling in love with a prostitute. the affection will never be returned.

HAHAHAHA,, That was actually quite funny..

And just proves you are nothing but a troll..  

I dont have to prove anything to you.. 

As said.. If you have proof of what you say. Please show us.. If not.. Just go away.. Not interested in arguing with idiots.. Especially people who use the word simping.  And no im not over 50.. How very dare you... 🤪

Edited by Rabs
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50 minutes ago, PrairieDog said:

I used to be a moderator on a forum that had this one guy that would put up “fan” posts with hidden snipes or veiled jabs at the product.  Posts like, “oh, great product. I did my whole project with it, turned out perfect, and even though X disaster happened and I had to do Y, it worked out.” Or, “Yeah, it has these leading edge features, but I wish it did X or had Y, like these other guys do.”  

Guess who he worked for?  We kept kicking him but he’d just pop back up with a new nick. It got to be a total joke.  And man would he get nasty and insulting too when we just started calling him out on his BS. 

yeah i bet you did kick out anyone not towing the line with the gibson worship. A shitty company needs their yes men. You are the mindless horde that prasies gibson every time they **** on a plate and tell you "dinner is served!". Gibson sucks. You shouldn't have to dig through a pile of 100 les pauls to find the one good one. they should all be good.

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Just now, Dub-T-123 said:

We love music here. It would be awesome to hear some killer guitar playing even if it’s on a Greco. Best way to shut these boomers up is to give them a taste of those fiery licks and show em what a real neck joint sounds like

I think he is off getting his answers from ChatGTP  😄   

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1 hour ago, Rabs said:

HAHAHAHA,, That was actually quite funny..

And just proves you are nothing but a troll..  

I dont have to prove anything to you.. 

As said.. If you have proof of what you say. Please show us.. If not.. Just go away.. Not interested in arguing with idiots.. Especially people who use the word simping.  And no im not over 50..

Proof? I don't need to prove what you already know is true. Even so, I posted pics of 4 different las pauls with bad neck joints.

All I'm saying is that if Gibson got rid of that neck heel and returned to 50's specs then it would greatly improve the quality of their guitars because then every neck joint would be a good one and you simps all reacted as if I'd threatened to burn down the Gibson factory. You are all completely useless, to be quite honest. You're like the hangers on that surround a celebrity that gets addicted to drugs and starts going downhill. You' ll continue to heap uncritical praise on gibson until the their last asset has been liquidated by the bankruptcy court.

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3 minutes ago, fujifan said:

Proof? I don't need to prove what you already know is true. Even so, I posted pics of 4 different las pauls with bad neck joints.

All I'm saying is that if Gibson got rid of that neck heel and returned to 50's specs then it would greatly improve the quality of their guitars because then every neck joint would be a good one and you simps all reacted as if I'd threatened to burn down the Gibson factory. You are all completely useless, to be quite honest. You're like the hangers on that surround a celebrity that gets addicted to drugs and starts going downhill. You' ll continue to heap uncritical praise on gibson until the their last asset has been liquidated by the bankruptcy court.

Nope.. What you say I absolutely think is not true what so ever..  And I have built my own guitars as well as spoken to people on here (hundreds of them) about this same subject for over a decade.

I say, if you are coming on here making such a claim when us actual LP owners say we think different. You absolutely need some sort of proof. Otherwise why are you saying it at all. How does that 5 mm gap make any difference?

Im quite happy to talk about it but not if you just make claims which have no basis in fact...   And no im not acting like this because I think you insulted Gibson, I couldnt care less, they are just a company. I am acting like this as what you say is just utter nonsense.

Edited by Rabs
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Just now, Dub-T-123 said:

Rabs do you even have good tone?? Fuji we really need to hear your tone to put an end to this once and for all 

Well now I am questioning it... It seems my thirty odd years or so of playing Gibsons I was wrong because some random person told me that the set necks on my guitars arent good enough.. So now I am just going to sell them all and get a ukulele,,  Gibson you suck. Thanks Fuji, you really set us all straight on this topic.

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2 hours ago, Rabs said:

And you sound like someone who would love a Gibson but cant afford it so you get upset and make up crap like this to make yourself feel better that all LPs built after the 50s are rubbish..


Where is your proof that it makes any difference to tone or sustain?

"And you sound like someone who would love a Gibson but cant afford it"

I could get a les paul for a lot less than a greco egf1200. I had to pay 5k for a greco egf1800 and the only reason it didn't cost 3k more is because the seller didn't know what he had. If i want to buy some maxxon dry z paf's then I'll have to dish out 2k. The word is out about the superiority of Japanese instruments and the price has risen accordingly.


 I just think it's a shame that Gibson doesn't offer the best instruments even though they created them. I'd rather an American company be king of the les pauls and ES335's and I know that if Gibson returned to 50's specs on the neck joint then they would once again be competitive and sell instruments because they are quality, not because middle aged men have brand loyalty to gibson. If Gibson did that one thing, it would turn that company around. Current Gibson management needs to be fired.

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Just now, Rabs said:

Well now I am questioning it... It seems my thirty odd years or so of playing Gibsons I was wrong because some random person told me that the set necks on my guitars arent good enough.. So now I am just going to sell them all and get a ukulele,,  Gibson you suck. Thanks Fuji, you really set us all straight on this topic.

I wouldn’t throw the baby out with the bath water. You’re a boomer with like 50 Gibsons. If you cut them all in half you might find one with a decent neck joint. A minuscule amount of Gibsons have proper neck joints 

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1 minute ago, fujifan said:

 I just think it's a shame that Gibson doesn't offer the best instruments even though they created them. I'd rather an American company be king of the les pauls and ES335's and I know that if Gibson returned to 50's specs on the neck joint then they would once again be competitive and sell instruments because they are quality, not because middle aged men have brand loyalty to gibson. If Gibson did that one thing, it would turn that company around. Current Gibson management needs to be fired.

But you still havent told us why....  The gap makes no difference to anything..  A 335 is hollow and has a whole body of air behind it.. Does that mean it has no tone or sustain?  

Im sorry but its just nonsense.

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1 minute ago, Dub-T-123 said:

Holy **** you spent $5K on a Greco?! lol no wonder you’re so worried about justifying Japanese superiority 


Maybe some day those superior luthiers will come up with an idea worth copying and the whole thing can come full circle 

Yeah I have never spent that much on a guitar.. Even my 336's which are customs were 3k and less (and they are perfect).

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8 minutes ago, Rabs said:

Nope.. What you say I absolutely think is not true what so ever..  And I have built my own guitars as well as spoken to people on here (hundreds of them) about this same subject for over a decade.

I say, if you are coming on here making such a claim when us actual LP owners say we think different. You absolutely need some sort of proof. Otherwise why are you saying it at all. How does that 5 mm gap make any difference?

Im quite happy to talk about it but not if you just make claims which have no basis in fact...   And no im not acting like this because I think you insulted Gibson, I couldnt care less, they are just a company. I am acting like this as what you say is just utter nonsense.

"Nope.. What you say I absolutely think is not true what so ever.. "

You give yourself way too much credit when you claim to think. You're obviously incapable of that and realizing it would be the first step to overcoming it. And you need to give up on assembling warmoth's and then referring to it as "building" your own guitars. If you can't see how a hidden neck joint would contribute to techs doing that neck joint improperly, then you don't have the aptitude for building guitars.


" You absolutely need some sort of proof."

I've posted multiple pics showing this. You want a video too? Here you go-

ow about a fifth les paul with a bad neck joint? Here's one where the top ripped off the guitar because the only thing holding the neck in was the fretboard glued to the body



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4 minutes ago, Rabs said:

But you still havent told us why....  The gap makes no difference to anything..  A 335 is hollow and has a whole body of air behind it.. Does that mean it has no tone or sustain?  

Im sorry but its just nonsense.


An ES335 is solid down the center of the instrument. I don't think you really get the mechanics of what I'm talking about. In order for vibrations from a neck to transfer to the body, the neck tenon has to be solidly contacting the body. Do this- hold your guitar so the headstock is a half inch away from the drywall and strum a chord. Now touch the headstock to the drywall and strum the chord again. See that difference? That's the difference between a neck tenon making full contact with a body and a neck tenon with a gap between the body.

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