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Would You Like A Condom With That?

Mr. Robot

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Thats an interesting sarcastic reply. I wasnt commenting on the little girl. It was a comment about McDonalds.


You mean about their new practice of providing birth-control with every Happy Meal? If the neocons hear about it there'll be hell to pay! #-o

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Thats an interesting sarcastic reply. I wasnt commenting on the little girl. It was a comment about McDonalds.


I'm not ready to believe that it's a problems with McDonalds as a company. My guess is that some idiot (or idiots) who works in that particular location flipping burgers thought it would be funny to stick a condom in a box of fries.

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My guess is that it's a finger cot - those condom looking things that people wear when they cut an awkward place on their finger and have to work with something that would suck to get in a cut - like any kind of food.

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