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Ever Been In competition?

Steven Tari

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You ever put your music or a song you wrote up in competition? Or maybe a band in a Battle of the Bands. If so, How did you do. Me, I put my songs on OurStage. I'd be happy if I could get in the top 100. But having other musicians give an opinion on my work is cool also.

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well, i've entered many a battle of the bands, but the one we did best in was 2 years ago,

man it was hilarious

here's the scene; almost all the bands were pop right, and we had convinced a good amount of the vegas area thrashers to come and cheer us on

so we were one of the last bands to perform and about three bands in, all these crazy a55 drunk and stoned kids start pouring in with floatation devices, mini trampolines (for stage dives), and beer bongs. they start booing every band.

so finally we get on stage and, mind you this venue could hold about 100 people, all our friends (probably about 50-60 of em') start thrashing and stagediving and crowd surfing on these floatation devices (i remember this one kid had a raft that could seat like 4 people) and security had there hands full.

man, we got kicked out and disqualified, they tried to charge us with inciting a riot, but that was a great show

(remember, true thrashers don't believe in moshpits, but parties)

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well' date=' i've entered many a battle of the bands, but the one we did best in was 2 years ago,

man it was hilarious

here's the scene; almost all the bands were pop right, and we had convinced a good amount of the vegas area thrashers to come and cheer us on

so we were one of the last bands to perform and about three bands in, all these crazy a55 drunk and stoned kids start pouring in with floatation devices, mini trampolines (for stage dives), and beer bongs. they start booing every band.

so finally we get on stage and, mind you this venue could hold about 100 people, all our friends (probably about 50-60 of em') start thrashing and stagediving and crowd surfing on these floatation devices (i remember this one kid had a raft that could seat like 4 people) and security had there hands full.

man, we got kicked out and disqualified, they tried to charge us with inciting a riot, but that was a great show

(remember, true thrashers don't believe in moshpits, but parties)[/quote']


That's a great story.

Loved it.

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