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Saw the Star Trek movie last night


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There are no spoilers in my message.


I grew up watching the series in rerun and watched First Generation here and there and saw probably most of the movies once so, I like Star Trek but don't consider myself to be a fanatic.


The movie was GREAT! I'm not going into the special effects; pretty much all movies these days have great special effects. The real stars of this film are the actors themselves, especially the ones who played Spock, Bones and Kirk. These guys really captured the essence of the characters and were able to deliver the occasional catch phrase without ever going over the top or making it sound corny.


The script and story are outstanding and really deliver the spirit of the original series but without the campiness. And, there is room to make sequels...


Highly recommended!

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Great! I wasnt going to watch it but if its good enough for you' date=' then it must be something :-[/quote']


Don't make me smack you, Beavis. ;)


My buddy and I always go out drinking or something on Friday nights and he suggested we go see it since his wife took their kids to see the movie on Thursday night and she came back raving about it - and she's not exactly that into scifi. So, it was a last minute decision. Glad we got there a half hour early though; the place was sold out.

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Rich do you think that I could take the 9 year old to that? I know it's PG13.


I couldn't really give a good answer to that since I'm not a parent, but my friend's wife took their 13 year old to see it, if that's any indication. There are some fairly brutal fight scenes, a little making out (not over the top and no nudity) and plenty of action in general; I don't recall any cussing but, if there was, it must have been really minor. There are some pretty emotional scenes though. I would say that if you're comfortable taking your kid to see something like an X Men or Terminator type film, then it's probably okay; there seemed to be plenty of parents with their kids there last night.

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I couldn't really give a good answer to that since I'm not a parent' date=' but my friend's wife took their 13 year old to see it, if that's any indication. There are some fairly brutal fight scenes, a little making out (not over the top and no nudity) and plenty of action in general; I don't recall any cussing but, if there was, it must have been really minor. There are some pretty emotional scenes though. I would say that if you're comfortable taking your kid to see something like an X Men or Terminator type film, then it's probably okay; there seemed to be plenty of parents with their kids there last night.




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I'm not a Star Trek fan but I do like going to the movie theatre for movies with huge special effects and explosions. I may go see this one when the hype dies down. The Mrs. wanted to go see Bridal Wars when it first came out and I just looked at her funny. "No, that's a rental." I can't wait for Terminator...

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My wife and I went last night. She's more of a romantic comedy girl, whereas I wander freely in the realm of geekdom. After the movie, when I asked her what she thought, she said it was "pretty good." In translation, that means it had a plot that kept her attention and elements that were familiar enough for her to understand what was going on. She didn't share the occasional chuckles whenever a catch phrase came up. My favorite part was a certain cameo appearance (i hadn't read any interviews or reviews before seeing it) that almost made me soil myself. I have to agree with Rich in that the actors were absolute GOLD. And with J. J. Abrams behind the scenes, you really can't go wrong. His involvement alone warranted a view for me.


As far as bringing a 9 year old to it - if he's into sci-fi, I'd say this film is just about perfect for him. There isn't any over-the-top violence. Mostly distance shots in the combat scenes, and explosions in the space scenes. There is one slightly risque scene involving Kirk, but I think that's to be expected. If you're okay with a lot of green skin and some underpants, then I'd say it's a go.

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I thought it was great! I took my 8 year old son, who isn't a trekkie. He loved it. We came home and played Star Trek. He was Kirk, I was the bad guy. He won when he kicked me in the nuts. Game over.


Somehow, a real kick in the nads defeats a fake phaser everytime.

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I thought it was great! I took my 8 year old son' date=' who isn't a trekkie. He loved it. We came home and played Star Trek. He was Kirk, I was the bad guy. He won when he kicked me in the nuts. Game over.


Somehow, a real kick in the nads defeats a fake phaser everytime.





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I just got back from the New 'Star Trek' movie. My son and I on a guys day out. This is a great movie. I would even say it is the best 'Star Trek' movie ever made. BTW I am a huge Trekker and I don't say that lightly. My son absolutely loved it. When we got home he walked up to Wicked1 (mom) and in a very non-emotional voice said, "it is good to see you again mother, (with the Vulcan peace sign held at shoulder height) live long and prosper". She laughed her *** off.

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