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Earache My Eye - Cheech and Chong 1978

Mr. Robot

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Something lighthearted on what has become a rather serious forum lately.


I dont know why, but I always nearly die laughing hearing this one. A great rock star parody.


If you dont know it, check out the lyrics posted below. They are tremendous. The last verse is the best.



Earache My Eye


My momma talkin to me tryin to tell me how to live

But I don't listen to her cause my head is like a sieve

My daddy he disowned me cause I wear my sister's clothes

He caught me in the bathroom with a pair of pantyhose

My basketball coach he done kicked me off the team

For wearing high heeled sneakers and acting like a queen


The world's comin to an end and I don't even care

As long as I can have a limo and my orange hair

And it don't bother me if people think I'm funny

Cause I'm a big rock star and I'm making lots of money

Money (x5)


I'm so bloody rich

I own apartment buildings and shopping centers

And I onlly know three chords

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Do you know who did the music?


I remember hearing that it was Zappa, but don't know if it's true.


Could be another one of those urbane myths


(you know, as opposed to the mondane ones)



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Do you know who did the music?


I remember hearing that it was Zappa' date=' but don't know if it's true.


Could be another one of those urbane myths


(you know, as opposed to the mondane ones)




The answer is no, if you believe Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earache_My_Eye


I didnt realise how many bands have done a cover version of this.

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The single was a ctually released in '74. We were sleeping outside one night and had a transistor radio going.... Rock the Boat, Billy Don't be a Hero, the Loco-Motion, LaGrange.... and all of a sudden this screaming and ranting, which to be honest we didn't even pay much attention to until the needle scratched across the 'record' and the parent/son showdown began. I laughed till I thought I'd drop but still thought it was some DJ put-on. And then I found the 45 and my C&C fandom began.

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At some point I heard a remix (?) of Little Eva's version and the upright bass was much more prominent. It gave it a whole nice big deep thump that I hadn't heard before. Maybe it was just the system I was listening to, maybe it was the pressing, who knows? I doubt it was remixed is what I'm clumsily saying.


Hee hee... I called the stereo a 'system'. Can you tell I was a teen in the 70s?


Actually I stil have my Pioneer direct drive, Technics receiver, and Sansuis with the 15" woofers. The cassette deck died unfortunately. None of that stuff gets used, even thought there's about 1500 slabs of vinyl in the rack.... not since I got one o' them newfangled 'pods'.

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One after another my stereo components (NAD, doncha know) died, and since it would cost more to have them repaired than to buy new ones, I never did anything about it. Well, when the cassette player went, I took the whole thing and put it up in the attic for the mice to play with. For the first time in my life, I don't have a stereo. I only listen to music on my iPod or computer. I might have thought I'd be unhappy or at least nostalgic about it, but truth be told, I don't care.


Also: a family member recently offered me a pristine, state-o'-the-art circa 1975 massive quadrophonic stereo "system": amplifier, tuner, turntable, cassette deck, reel-to-reel, reverb unit, 4 massive speakers with mahogany cabinets and braided leather grills. All high-end stuff, must have cost a fortune back then. Had been carefully stored, unused, over the years. Well, I thought about it (actually even brought it home), considered the space it would take up and the fact that I probably wouldn't use it much, and eventually returned it. In the meanwhile, I even considered selling it and did some research on what it might bring it, which turned out to be next to nothing. Most of the components I couldn't find a price for at all, and those that I could were selling, when you could find them, for peanuts. And, needless to say, even if I could have found a buyer, unless it was local, the cost of shipping would have been greater than what I might have got for the items...

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