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What are words worth?

What are words worth? - words


Words in papers, words in books

Words on tv, words for crooks

Words of comfort, words of peace

Words to make the fighting cease

Words to tell you what to do

Words are working hard for you

Eat your words but dont go hungry

Words have always nearly hung me


What are words worth?

What are words worth? - words


Words of nuance, words of skill

And words of romance are a thrill

Words are stupid, words are fun

Words can put you on the run


Mots pressx, mots sensx,

Mots qui disent la vit? mots maudits, mots mentis,

Mots qui manquent le fruit desprit


What are words worth?

What are words worth? - words


Its a rap race, with a fast pace

Concrete words, abstract words

Crazy words and lying words

Hazy words and dying words

Words of faith and tell me straight

Rare words and swear words

Good words and bad words


What are words worth?

What are words worth? - words


Words can make you pay and pay

Four-letter words I cannot say

Panty, toilet, dirty devil

Words are trouble, words are subtle

Words of anger, words of hate

Words over here, words out there

In the air and everywhere

Words of wisdom, words of strife

Words that write the book I like

Words wont find no right solution

To the planet earths pollution

Say the right word, make a million

Words are like a certain person

Who cant say what they mean

Dont mean what they say

With a rap rap here and a rap rap there

Here a rap, there a rap

Everywhere a rap rap


Rap it up for the common good

Let us enlist the neighbourhood

Its okay, Ive overstood

This is a wordy rappinghood, okay, bye.


Words by Tom Tom Club

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Someone and someone were down by the pond

Looking for something to plant in the lawn.

Out in the fields they were turning the soil

Im sitting here hoping this water will boil

When I look through the windows and out on the road

Theyre bringing me presents and saying hello.


Singing words, words between the lines of age.

Words, words between the lines of age.

If I was a junkman selling you cars,

Washing your windows and shining your stars,

Thinking your mind was my own in a dream

What would you wonder and how would it seem?

Living in castles a bit at a time

The king started laughing and talking in rhyme.


Singing words, words between the lines of age.

Words, words between the lines of age.

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