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Updated Fab Flat-tops: this time, it's for real


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Just thought I'd let fellow Fab Flat-top fans know that I got word from Eldon Whitford through a mutual friend a couple of weeks ago -- hey, I've been busy, okay?! -- that the projected release date of 1 Nov for the updated edition of Gibson's Fabulous Flat-tops is for real. There could be delays in printing or whatever, but the completed manuscript was at the publishers and everything was on track. As someone who's had this book on pre-order for years (except for a brief period when the thing was delayed for so long Amazon canceled my pre-order and wouldn't let me re-pre-order for awhile), I'm really looking forward to finally seeing it!


-- Bob R

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Is there a less-known Steve Earl who penned the foreword in this latest version of the Fab Book?




The only Gibson aficianado of fame of whom I am aware is the man from Copperhead Road, Mr. Earle!



(And apparently, I missed him by a few hours this summer at a Music Store that many of you know and have spent quality time in...)



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  • 2 weeks later...
I burst into my Dr's office the other day and told him I thought I was shrinking. He said he was busy with others and I should just go sit down and be a little patient.


I signed up for the local 'Procrastinators Anonymous' group' date=' but I keep putting off going....


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