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Erasing evidence of electrification


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One of my classicals apparently came with an under saddle pickup, either from the factory or a pro retrofit. It was removed before I bought it. No matter, I don't ever plug in an acoustic. The only evidence was the oversized hole at the end block for the output jack. My plan was to install a dummy jack, just so the hole was covered. Then I saw this:


NoJak thingie


One of those "Why didn't I think of that?" things.


I know it may seem like moving backwards, DE-electrifying an acoustic, but I'm glad to see a cheap reversible fix for those guitars that have been reamed.

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Hit the road, Jack! LOL


I've had a few of those 'why-didn't-I-think-of-that' things. Once I took a cap from a 35mm film container, stuck double-sided tape on the inside, put a small round piece of sponge inside it, sliced a hole in it to hold a guitar pick snugly, then put double-sided tape on the top of the lid and stuck it to my pickguard. My plan was to have it close by when I needed to change quickly between using a pick and using just fingers. I thought this was quite brilliant on my part, until I found out that someone else had already invented such a thing. [biggrin]

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Mr Colosi makes an oversized endpin that replaces an endpin jack as well. One piece, friction fit to the hole and available in all the usual materials (bone, FWI, etc.). Accomplishes the same end without the split-sleeve collet.........maybe a bit higher priced though.

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