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Extra Curry With That Sir?


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Why not take the short cut and abuse the country that takes you in,feeds you,houses you,educates you,subsidises you only to then compare us to the freakin' KKK of all vile filth!


In Gandhi's own words - 'A man is but the product of his thoughts...what he thinks, he becomes. .'


Read on - http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/01/08/2787928.htm


Good thing I've got a sense of humour.[drool]

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All the stuff I see, all the outrage can be traced back to a single common denominator;


Too much government, too much control over every aspect of our lives.




Any time something goes wrong, people want the government to fix it.

Everytime the government fixes something, they destroy ten times more.


Here in the USA, I kinda thought that our slide into mold of Olde Europe could only be escaped by

packing my stuff and heading to the wide open spaces of Australia.


Almost like a New West, in stark contrast to where our own Old West has been "tamed" out of existence.

Then the gun bans of 1996 down under - I changed my mind.

Western Australia will be just fine without me, or my money.



Here's another example of being told what's best for us by Big Brother.

Can't move to New Zealand if you're too fat;







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Almost like a New West' date=' in stark contrast to where our own Old West has been "tamed" out of existence.

Then the gun bans of 1996 down under - I changed my mind.

Western Australia will be just fine without me, or my money.[/quote']


Prior to 96 only farmers were allowed to have firearms anyway. If you moved here then you still couldn't have one.

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There has been a recent discussion in many European countries, Greece included, on the ''necessity' to build Muslim Temples of worship, since in the last years too many immigrants (legal but mostly illegal btw) have arrived. There has been much controversy on the subject and those claiming that there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for a country hosting immigrants to be forced to provide for all their social / religious / political needs have been described as ''non-tolerant'' or even ''racist''.


I still don't get it. If I moved to Germany, should be the German state responsible and obliged to build for my family a Christian Orthodox Church...?[cool]


In fact these kind of thoughts, to my common mind at least, are not only totally absurb and unsubstancial, but even suspicious to my eyes... Where the f$ck are they originated from...? [drool]

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Lowdown, you wouldn't believe the accomodations made here in the USA at airports - and universities.

We are a free nation - that's one thing.

But a free nation does not use tax money to cater to extremists/opposing groups bent on hate and destruction.

They are free to do as they please within the confines of our laws, but the laws they are a-changin'....




Prior to 96 only farmers were allowed to have firearms anyway.

If you moved here then you still couldn't have one.

I was speaking generally of the move of government to regulate our every breath.

The gun ban was the most obvious example.

I wasn't that concerned with the status beforehand' date=' it was the after effects that I found chilling.

One single incident?

Public fears fanned by overwhelming government to create nicer, tamer sheep as a populace.



I worked with a couple guys from Australia in the early nineties, hence my added interest at the time.

Here in the USA, all we hear about Australia is heat waves, deadly snakes and the Great Barrier Reef.

NOTHING of the day to day reality ever reaches our TV.


After looking into the western end of your country, I was thinking of an extended visit to check it out.

One ugly shooting and collective government knee-jerk later, I found more Euro influence than I care to live with.

That was just the dose of reality I was hoping a wild, free, and "untamed" nation was still immune from.


At a Texas gun show just after all that occurred, I made the acquaintance of an Aussie expatriate.

We spent much of the day discussing all I've mentioned at length.

Remember, this was just a couple years after our own "Assault Weapons ban" and the stupidity in

its implementation as attempted by a clueless, power-grabbing bunch of buttinski's in our government.


That ban expired here 6 years ago, and gun sales have been increasing at a fevered rate for the last two.

Seems people are a bit concerned that what the gun-ban zealots in the party returning to power were

intending to do as an encore - taken from the words they themselves uttered at every turn.


Since the government has destroyed the economy here and dragged those of the world down with it,

they've been largely pre-occupied with other more pressing concerns like Green Power fantasies and

creative taxation to offset a four-fold increase in the national debt in a single year.




Your fellow countryman pleaded and implored with us to not let the USA go down the tubes.

He's telling us that the USA is indeed the last stand in the battle for personal liberty.

Something about a Constitution, and a country founded [i']on purpose[/i] with its words as the blueprint....


We here are still unique in world history in that single regard, despite renewed efforts to change that.

I'll make my stand for my liberty and God-given rights here in Arizona.

Gonna be busy for the next few years it would seem...

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I was speaking generally of the move of government to regulate our every breath.

The gun ban was the most obvious example.

I wasn't that concerned with the status beforehand' date=' it was the after effects that I found chilling.

One single incident?

Public fears fanned by overwhelming government to create nicer, tamer sheep as a populace.



I hear ya 100%.


Look at the **** we've got to put up with now, I'll give just two examples. We're rapidly turning into a nanny state and I for one hate it. The government is hell bent on 'protecting' us from ourselves.






That last link is particularly frightening. That'll bring us in line with North Korea and China.


At least we're allowed to grow 2 weed plants in our back yard with no consequences, but the new government is about to take that away from us shortly.


That USA green card lottery is looking good right about now.

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Not hip on the lingo from Down Under.

Explain 'hoon' for me please.


And 160 km/hr is around 100 mph.

That's not exactly warp speed....






Oh, and the second one;





I can imagine how 'safe' you feel with Big Brother peeping at your internet access.



Maybe you should start spreading the word around the country.

Maybe a word like "Liberty" or such.

See what the Powers That Be think about it.


Definitions of liberty (n)

right to choose: the freedom to think or act without being constrained by necessity or force.

freedom: freedom from captivity or slavery.

basic right: a political, social, and economic right that belongs to the citizens of a state or to all people.

Synonyms: freedom, independence, autonomy, emancipation, liberation.




... a. The condition of being free from restriction or control.

... b. The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing.

... c. The condition of being physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.


2. Freedom from unjust or undue governmental control.


3. A right or immunity to engage in certain actions without control or interference.



1. the power of choosing, thinking, and acting for oneself; freedom from control or restriction


2. the right or privilege of access to a particular place; freedom





What's so fxcking hard to understand about that?


I truly believe the oath that politicians swear should include Hippocrates' "First, do no harm" and that

violating it should be cause for immediate removal from office. If they feel unjustly accused, then they

can fight the accusations from their private lives using their own private funds - and run again for election.


The public can then render their opinion unfettered.

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