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Sonic Youth concert


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I just got back from a Sonic Youth concert at the Wiltern. It was mind blowing. I don't listen to them much but my friend had an extra ticket for the concert so I went. I am so glad I did.


It was AMAZING. I stood right in front of the stage and they just rocked. It was so awesome. I think alot of their guitars are tuned to some funky tuning.


They were so unique sounding. I've never heard anything like some of this stuff.


They were tight as hell too. It was a flawless performace.


The lighting was awesome too.

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Yeah he played it. Along with about 10 other Jazzmasters. I've never seen so many Jazzmasters in my life.


Killyridols... They're incredible live. I HAVE to see them again.


Fred... Glad you liked em. If you have a chance to see them live you should. They are way better live.


Another thing is that the sound quality was awesome. You could actually hear what everyone was playing and you could understand the words that they were singing. It was really cool when they all sang at once.


Kim was amazing and she was playing a sweet blue SG bass. It looked like a modded out Norlin. It sounded great. It shook the earth.

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