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More Carvin Love.....


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I gigged last night with some old friends. A Band I was in a decade ago re-united to "test the waters".


Anyhow, the other guitar player used to gig with a Carvin Bel Air, which is a 2;12 combo with EL84's and a "real" clean channel (no pre/gain ect., just volume) and a "soak" channel and I alway liked it.


He has since retired the Bel Air and had bought one of the last MTS series combos. This thing is a 100 watt 2;12 all tube S.O.B.


It too has a "real" clean, and a nasty channel, power for days, and a cool white face. They do use clipping diodes, but so did many Marshalls, ect.


The amps have been discontinued as Carvin has several Steve Vai sig amps, and the X100B, along with the V3 and the vintage stuff.


But I was very impressed with that amp, the cleans were amazing. It literally seems to have no limit to it's clean volume.


I forgot to look at the power tubes, it'll run either 6L6's or EL34's, I'm gonna take an educated guess and say surely they were 6L6's.


Best to ya.



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