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Fight Against Counterfeits!


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I was sick today and decided to surf the web for some Gibson Les Paul models. I ended up on a website that seems to only carry "authentic" Chinese-made Gibson guitars. They are being sold for rediculously low prices. To the untrained eye, they appear to be the real thing. I was a bit disappointed that somebody is tarnishing the Gibson brand name, so I decided to shoot Gibson an e-mail a few minutes ago.


Make sure to spread the word. Do NOT buy a "Gibson" guitar from this website, I haven't seen a real one yet. I'm not accusing the site of wrongdoing, but the seller.


Link: (removed)

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I removed the link but let the post stand.


How about we just stop buying stuff made in China altogether? And also stop buying from US companies who have their factories 300 feet across the Mexican border?


Sorry if I'm being xenophobic but if we don't start insisting on US made products, it's all over. I'm sick of it. Sick to freakin' death of it.

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Oh sorry didn't realize the link was a no-no.


Don't let it happen again........run you out on a rail..........


Last thing we need is someone hitting a china or any other fake site off of the Gibson forum.

We all obviously hate the fake trade.

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How about we just stop buying stuff made in China altogether?

And also stop buying from US companies who have their factories 300 feet across the Mexican border?


Sorry if I'm being xenophobic but if we don't start insisting on US made products' date=' it's all over.

I'm sick of it. Sick to freakin' death of it.[/quote']

Can I get a "HELL YEAH!" for Brother KSDaddy?


Maybe you should go read through my website a little.

It'll make you feel better to know that some of us refuse to apologize for the knee-jerk reactions of others.





Sure, call me a xenophobe/homophobe/anthropophobe/bogyphobe/lilapsophobe/liticaphobe/meteorophobe.....


You could even call me a nucleomituphobe/pediculaphobe/peniaphobe/pyrophobe/satanophobe....


Or even a selachophobe - I don't really think swimming with a shark is a good idea.

Syphilophobia - Fear of syphilis. Explain THAT one to your wife....




A few that I might admit to include;


Ballistophobia - Fear of missiles or bullets. That's why I'm prepared to shoot back if need be.

Stygiophobia - Fear of hell. Duh.

Soteriophobia - Fear of dependence on others. When I'm old enough to wear diapers again, maybe...




One that has yet to stick to me, despite the efforts of literally thousands of people over the years?

Social Phobia - Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations.


And it's funny, I find most of those who scream the loudest suffer from Allodoxaphobia - fear of opinions.





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