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2010 Census


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How many of you are going to fill it out and return it' date=' and how many are going to exercise your civil disobedience and trash it?


milod, what's your take on the census?[/quote']





For each person living in the house.


That's all the law requires we provide.


The name thing is for making sure no one is double counted

Age so that more money can come to my community to support old folks activities

Quantity? That's the whole purpose of a census.


They do not need to know my race, as I am not sure myself.


They don't need to know how many people 'sleep her most of the time'


or if there are other people who are present in the household on April 10, 2010 whom I haven't included in the above count. (what kind of bone headed question is that?) Bear in mind this census may have been developed with the assistance of ACORN. So, I'm still mulling over their motivation for asking the question.


They do not need my phone number as I have given all the information they require and no follow-up call is necessary.


I'm also a bit ticked that in this time of government belt tightening, I received two mailings from them. One to announce that I would be getting the census in a few days and the other was the actual census... both of which arrived the same day. :-k

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The form I received asked the number of occupants of this address; the name' date=' age, date-of-birth and ethnicity of each occupant and the whether each occupant sometimes stays somewhere other than this address. Nothing more was asked other than whether this is a house or apartment and my home phone number, which I did not provide.


No questions about source of income or disability payments. Nothing about which to feel suspicious or paranoid. [omg[scared][cool]


Perhaps the more suspicious people are getting a great big ol' form chock fulla personal questions about things you'd never tell a stranger. Not here, though.


Sounds like there are different forms out there. They indeed asked my address and phone number, even though my address was printed on the back. It had boxes for me to fill out for my address and phone number and everything.


Who decides what form we all get?


It also has been reported that there may or may not be census takers showing up at your kitchen door if you don't provide enough information on the form or if they have trouble deciphering what you put down. It is then that they human census taker may go off on another question answering tangent, to which you reply, "There are x number of citizens living here, now get off my stoop, you are trespassing."


It seems to me the questions point towards determining the number of illegal aliens. If you are an illegal, I'd suggest you plead the 5th... You don't have any legal grounds for pleading it, but maybe this is what the country needs, an enumeration of illegals and the address of their usual abode.

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On the electric radio this a.m. Some Chicago politico announced that the Muslim population in Chicargo was vastly undercounted and that the Muslim community needed to make sure they filled out their census.


My census didn't contain any religious questions.... How many different census forms are there?

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On the electric radio this a.m. Some Chicago politico announced that the Muslim population in Chicargo was vastly undercounted and that the Muslim community needed to make sure they filled out their census.


My census didn't contain any religious questions.... How many different census forms are there?


Maybe you misunderstood what the guy on the electric radio in Chicargo said...not Muslim, but muslin...you know...people who wear sheets!

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Maybe you misunderstood what the guy on the electric radio in Chicargo said...not Muslim' date=' but muslin...you know...people who wear sheets![/quote']


Yo mean like a towel?... on yer head?

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The census is important in regards to the representation of your state in congress' date=' and other allocated resources that are important to most communities. They of course like to ask all kinds of other questions that seem intrusive but are asked so as to get as much data as possible

for their charts and graphs etc.


The IRS is about the only folks I fear...........Gestapo thugs that they can be.[/quote']



'zactly. A count is needed to make sure the House of representative districts are allocated properly.


The other question are used to gerrymander the districts to suit a political agenda. That's why I don't answer the ethnicity question.... that and I'm not sure.


Gerrymandering has been done to break up communities of Poles, Catholics, Protestants, Blacks, Jews, Whites, Irish... etc., ad infinitum for decades... in order to minimize their impact on fair and open gov'ment. Don't feed the process.


Law says they get an enumeration. The dark blue box at the head of the census is all they need and deserve. The rest is racial profiling, and not very politically correct.

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Okay... I've thought of this a bit...


1. Yeah, the requirement of a census dates to the founding of the U.S. as a nation and really, it was far from a new idea even 2,000 years ago in Palestine. <grin> Ditto soon after 1066 in England.


2. Yeah, I think it's a bit intrusive, but as has been noted, we now live in a police state almost everywhere in the world. By "police state," I mean that the government has just about all the info on everyone to tell when they use the bathroom - unless you're an illegal "immigrant" in which case you live on the fringe in some ways.


OTOH, consider that one might have said exactly the same thing in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago. The U.S. once was a place where one could move to another region and start a new life with a new name. One might suggest that's good or bad depending on one's own perspectives, but it's a certainty that "America" and similar "colonial" nations during the 18th and 19th century had similar circumstances. (I've been told it was the same in Oz and Canada by friends in both of those national cultures.)


3. There's no question in my mind that since ACORN has gotten involved in census-taking, that there will be more than usual political ramifications favoring populations that would be well-tilted toward the left, and therefore redistricting both of federal congressional districts and also state/local redistricting.


4. I think that #3 is likely the biggest concern, and it's not just for this census, but has increased over the past two as well, as efforts to influence "population" studies in left-leaning districts or to gerrymander districts by one sort of population statistic or another has increased.


So... I guess you could say that I see it as a mixed bag, but it's not exactly a batch of "questions" that are new, given that such plays a major role in the "new testament" of the bible whether you believe any of the "religious" stuff beyond what most would agree likely is "historical" or not.

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At any rate, all those who have already turned theirs in haven't correctly answered the questions.


They want to know, on April 10, 2010, if there are any people in your home whom you haven't counted in the number listed in the above dark blue box. What possible reason could they have for asking that question? I mean, I know I have out of town family coming on the 9th, staying over until the 11th. To honestly answer the question, I need to wait until the 10th. Therefore I have to hold onto the form until then as they might not show up.

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I'm also a bit ticked that in this time of government belt tightening' date=' I received two mailings from them. One to announce that I would be getting the census in a few days and the other was the actual census... both of which arrived the same day.[/quote']

That little fact was not lost on Mrs. Neo either.

Usually not very outspoken on matters political or governmental, she was PISSED about the same thing.

"We need a warning that we will receive our census form? We need to double the mailing costs?"


And the very obvious solicitation for any information regarding anybody of Mexican citizenry was irritating.

She teaches 1st grade in the 'hood of Phoenix, and they were repeatedly instructed to ensure their students

of "ethnic" descent (roughly 80% of them) understand why they should encourage their parents to mail it in.


And I quote;

"It doesn't matter what country you come from, the government NEEDS to count everybody because they

give out $1,800 for every person they count. It's so the government can help give you what you NEED...."


Isn't that just a wonderful sentiment to express to illegal immigrants?

Just tell us what you NEED, the United States government will make sure every one of you gets it.



It warms my heart that I'm able to contribute $60,000 every single year to Uncle Sam's fxcking giveaways...

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There are some other advantages to the count in some states.


In my state, for example, a town over 5,000 population has some changes in its status that can bring more grant opportunities, etc.



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I got nothing against a census. Back in the day, when the census was full of demographic queston like how many TVs do you have, VCRs, Toasters, etc... I refused to answer those questions as well. If US Industry wants to do a demographics study, then let them do it on their dime, not mine.


ACORN is up to something... I just haven't figured it out yet. [drool]

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The name is the problem, so one dumps the name, reorganizes one way or another and is back in force.


There will be no effect on the local Acorns I can tell, so many will continue working the census, it appears.



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The name is the problem' date=' so one dumps the name, reorganizes one way or another and is back in force.


There will be no effect on the local Acorns I can tell, so many will continue working the census, it appears.





ACORN has filed for bankrupcy.

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I know.


The national organization.


It's a lot easier to hit one baseball than a couple of dozen simultaneously. State/locals are still alive, but I'll wager are working to change their names or otherwise distance themselves from bad PR.


That's not just about Acorn, its the advantage of decentralization for any institution determined to advance its philosophy. That includes "Tea Parties" that seem adverse to the concept a central organization at all.



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"It doesn't matter what country you come from' date=' the government NEEDS to count everybody because they

give out $1,800 for every person they count. It's so the government can help give you what you NEED...."[/i']

It warms my heart that I'm able to contribute $60,000 every single year to Uncle Sam's fxcking giveaways...


... net $58,200 ... (apprehensive LOL)

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Whatcha mean "net"?

I was referring to the portion of my income that gets vacuumed up and is never seen again.

My net is left over afterwards.


If 10% is enough for the Good Lord, it's DAMNED sure enough for the government, eh?


:) [lol]

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The Constitutional problem is that the enumeration is used to apportion the U.S. House of Representatives. Why should a district be apportioned more representatives because it has a 15% 'undocumented' persons counted in the census when it's neighbor district only has 1% 'undocumented' persons? The House is there to represent the citizenry, not visiting aliens who just happen to be in the country at the time of the census. Kansas was known as "Bloody Kansas" due to this type of transient citizen abuse.


If the child is a citizen, count him. If his folks aren't citizens, then do not count them.

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