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re-tolexing a cab


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Sort of re-tolexing. I have the shell of an old Carvin XT112 combo. The head died years ago so it was ripped out and now the thing acts a 1x12. The outside is that ugly, course carpet like stuff they covered amps in the 80s with. Anyone here ever try to remove that stuff? I want to, but my fear is that its glued on nice and good. The cab itself appears to be nice, solid wood and not press board.

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I've done a couple (more like some 25-30) jobs like that. It's not difficult but I wouldn't consider it easy either.


The thing is, it will be tiresome and you'll want to just burn the thing off even before completing half of the job.


When you've gotten all the original covering out you'll have to sand the thing down and take care of any imperfections (dents) the cab has.


Then you'll have to install the new tolex (or whatever you are using).


Then the only easy part of the whole thing: installing the hardware.



Here's a little amp I moded and kept, and here are some cabs completely made by me. I'll tell you this, to do all that stuff to the old cab/combo you'll require 3 times more time and effort, so why not make a new one?


(the randall combo and the fender princeton were re-tolexed by me, while all others were built by me).









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If man put it together, man can take it apart and put it back together again.


Start peeling. If the glue in the joints turned to dust and the carpet is holding it together, just re-glue and clamp the joint. Easy Peasey Lemon Squeezy.


Most craft and fabric shops sell vinyl furniture covering. Years ago they called it naugahyde. The color choice is yours.

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Can you re-tolex right on top of the existing material? Can the material be flattened perhaps with a hot iron and then re-cover the cab on tweed fabric which would be more flexible than a plastic tolex?


You might have some adhesion issues. Whatever glue you use to adhere the new cover to the old cab probably won't stick to carpet or the 'good' side of tolex / vinyl that is there today. Strip it down, then start over.

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I did my Dual Showman amp years ago... wish I would have thought to buy the Tolex from Fender.... I went to a local car upholsterer and bough vinyl top material. Used a heat gun to melt the glue... peeled off the Tolex and used it as a template to cut out the vinyl top material, then used contact cement to attach the vinyl top stuff. Looks okay, but I think it would look a LOT better if I'd used Tolex. (back then I was doing everything "on the cheap").

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