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Know any good short jokes?


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Here's a dirty joke:



You wanna hear a dirty joke?







Guy fell in a mud puddle.



You wanna hear another one?







He fell in again.


(You guys are so easy)

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My newlywed sister-in--- uh... let me rephrase that.


My wife's newly wed (again) Arkansas sister got married.


She looked at the bathroom, shook her head and said, "This will never do."


New husband goes to the barn grabs a chain, fires up the bucket tractor,


Then moved the bathroom closer to the house.













Actually, this isn't a joke. This actually happened. [biggrin]

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My wife's brother took pictures at aforementioned sister's weddin' and reception.


After he took the last picture, he tossed the 'disposable camera' into the garbage can.


"I think I got slickered." [biggrin]




(This one is did not actually happen)

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After the wedding reception, the waitress passed out the meal tickets.... yes we went 'Dutch'. [biggrin]



Only in Arkansas.


Oh yes... they're still making payments for the use of the church.... Maybe they shoulda passed the collection plate. [crying]

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Did you hear about the successful bass player?






His girlfriend has 2 jobs!






Little johnny runs in, all excited to tell his mother "When I grow up I'm going to be a guitar player!!!"


His mother replied: "C'mon johnny, you know you can't do both!"

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How do you identify the professional drummer at a party?































He's the one with the Pizza Delivery hat.

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