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Gibson Bass


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It's been a while since i've been on here, but i wanted to ask you guys about something.


I have been offered this bass in a trade.


I have been researching some stuff, and i can't find much info on basses.


I am having a hard time believe it is what he is saying.


He claims to have a 1967 Gibson SG bass.

Here is the catch, it was "refinished" and the logo never put back on.


Just curious as to if this is even real.


Heads up.

Pictures will be posted later, i can't upload to photobucket, and tinypic won't give me link codes [biggrin]




EDIT: http://i48.tinypic.com/a57ry8.jpg


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Yeah they don't go for much and they're sweet. The tone is a bit muddy compared to a Fender bass though. They have a Gibson eb-1 at GC Hollywood that's pretty cool. If you don't know what an eb-1 is it's Gibson's violin bass. Sort of like a Hofner but uglier. Naturally it's super overpriced at the GC. You can get one for like $500. Jack Bruce plays an eb-1 on the Cream Royal Albert Hall reunion concert. The SG version is way sexier though. If you really want one look online. They're pretty cheap. A vintage one is cheaper than a new one.

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