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The Eco Police


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Anyone remember the gas/oil shortages of the 1970s? (Gasoline lines- odd/even days-no home heating oil).

Nassau and Suffolk counties on Long Island were sending up helicopters every day with infrared cameras to take pictures of peoples roofs. If they glowed red the enviro-police showed up with a summons for not having enough insulation.

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First off, whoever said if there's chlorene in it it's not a kiddie pool is bang on.


Secondly, the drains going straight into waterways? True


Number C, in regards to plastic bags, I don't know how it is in the rest of the world, but in my little neck of the woods, Loblaws Canada and Sobeys use biodegradable plastic bags. This was after a very long campaign to "bring your own reusable shopping bags". The weird thing is that there's no studies done on the impact of manufacturing boat loads of these plastic or fabric bags. Are they sustainable in nature? What about all the unused ones or the by products of their being made? While it would reduce old non-biodegradable bag usage, it was realistically a clever campaign to become walking advertisments for the businesses in which they require you to bring them. Brilliant Really.

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What bothers me is the degree to which there's too much of a tendency to ignore science and follow the lead of some "organization" that has a specific agenda to push whether it is backed by good science or not.


I've seen that too often - and usually in some way that cause far more problems than the problem is supposedly corrected. And it ain't just environmental stuff.




Apparently even science has agenda's now and needs to be watched Milod. Look at the misinformation that was spread about global warming.


As I always say look at where their money comes from and that will most likely let you know if the opinion is biased.

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Apparently even science has agenda's now and needs to be watched Milod. Look at the misinformation that was spread about global warming.



You're not a denier, are you?

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First off' date=' whoever said if there's chlorene in it it's not a kiddie pool is bang on. [/quote']


Please explain. In many parts of the world, drinking water is treated with chlorine.


Secondly' date=' the drains going straight into waterways? True[/quote']


Which drain? Gutters, yes, in many places. Drains to sewer systems usually flow to some sort of treatment facility before discharge.

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Yeah, I had that in mind...


The "organizations" include so-called scientists. I'd add that the politics and money involved in "science" has proven on more than a few occasions to trump what I'd consider proper technical work.



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Please explain. In many parts of the world' date=' drinking water is treated with chlorine.




Which drain? Gutters, yes, in many places. Drains to sewer systems usually flow to some sort of treatment facility before discharge.



I suppose he meant the amount of cholrine. Given that it was a "kiddie" pool, the concentration of cholrine couldn't have been high enough for the water comission to find out that the person had dumped the water unless her kids were swimming in pure cholrine.


Also, there was a student project here that had kids painting yellow fish onto the street infront of the drains to remind people to not dump chemicals and such down the drains as they do typically lead to waterways, at least around here. Cities are different from Suburban or Urban environments.

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have started monitoring your sewers.

Really' date=' my neighbor drained the kiddy pool a couple of weeks ago.

It had a tad bit too much chlorine in it when she sent it down the drain.

A couple days later the water police showed up at her door to inform her she can't drain her pool into the gutter anymore.


On a side not:

During the 80s and early 90s the police in Los Angeles had the sewer water tested in suspected high use drug neighborhoods in order to find out which houses were using cocaine. Then they'd watch, get a warrant and go arrest the homeowners. Yeah, how about that?[/quote']

What kind of Coke Addicts let Cocaine go down the Sewer. Isn't that like an Alcoholic dumping his Whiskey down the drain? [thumbup]

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Yeah.... I'm sure the paint was good to go into the storm sewer... along with various fluids leaking from cars, tossed from vehicles and on occasion, other even worse stuff. Out here it even includes horse apples and not nearly as many petroleum products as in a city. <grin>


But I'd agree that if it could be discovered, the kids may have been in very heavy concentrations of chlorine.



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[biggrin] ...Soon they will be compiling data for which homes are not eating enough healthy foods for the Fat Tax.


I heard tell the UK had the beginnings of that. Gov't doing refrigerator surveys or something to that effect.



As far as the alleged 'kiddie pool', If you have a chlorinated pool and you need to drain it, by all means, drain it into your own back yard. If the concentration is high enough, it will kill your grass. I have a neighbor, who 3 or 4 years ago drained his pool. We don't have street drains here. We all have septic sytems. We are a small community, 90 percent of whom have a yard which abuts farmed land. His drainage ran out into the field and essentially sterilized several thousand square feet of corn, thereby killing it. It took a couple years for the soil to return to usable farm land. The farmer had no problem proving what and who did it. The home owner paid damage for his ignorance. Today, the land is back into production as the chlorine dissipated.


You want to drain a chlorinated pool and not kill things? Stop chlorinating it, and wait for green algae to grow. That ought to be about right. I'd still check with your local sewerage department to see if they can help test your pool for suitability for your intended method of disposal.

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