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Mayhem festival

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I just saw it in philly yesterday and it was sick. Atreyu was awesome. So was hatebreed which we all moshed to but i was in love with his guitar it was a blue silver burst lp custom with 3 hbs. % finger death puch was good but the highlight of the night was rob zombie. John 5 had literaly a 5-10 minute solo where he was just f***ing destroying the crowed. I got john davis and ray luziers from korns autograph. Korn was ok but didnt play 2 of their hit songs that i like which bumed me out. but all in all it was the best music festival ive ever been to. also i got shadows fall the whole bands autograph which was sick.



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How is that its only been around 3 years and korn and zombie are just as good as behemoth. Its just different styles of metal.

It use to be called something else.

They changed the name for...some reason i forgot.

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The REAL mayhem was in Germany at the Love Festival.


18 killed in mass panic at Germany's Love Parade



DUISBURG, Germany – Crowds of people streaming into a techno music festival surged through an

already jammed entry tunnel on Saturday, setting off a panic that killed 18 people and injured 80

at an event meant to celebrate love and peace.


The circumstances of the stampede at the famed Love Parade festival in Duisburg in western Germany

were still not clear even hours after the chaos, but it appeared that some or most of the 18 had been

crushed to death.


Authorities also suggested that some of the people killed or injured might have attempted to flee the

crowd by jumping over a barrier and falling several meters (yards). Witnesses described a desperate

scene, as people piled up on each other or scrambled over others who had fallen in the crush.


"The young people came to celebrate and instead there are dead and injured," said Chancellor Angela Merkel.

"I am horrified by the suffering and the pain."


Criticism quickly fell on city officials for allowing only one entrance to the grounds of a hugely popular event

that drew hundreds of thousands of people to dance, watch floats and listen to DJs spin. German media

said 1.4 million people attended but that figure could not be immediately confirmed.


The founder of the Love Parade, Matthias Roeingh, known by the name Dr. Motte, blasted the planning for

the event, saying "one single entrance through a tunnel lends itself to disaster. I am very sad."


City officials chose not to evacuate the site, fearing it might spark more panic, and many people continued

partying, unaware of the deaths.


Emergency workers had trouble getting to the victims, hampered by the huge crowds. The area was a

hectic scene, with bodies lying on the ground and people milling around or attending to them. Rescue

workers carried away the injured as techno music thundered in the background.


Local media reported that the cell phone system in Duisburg broke down temporarily and frantic parents

trying to reach their children instead drove to the scene to look for them.


However, most streets downtown were blocked by police and the highways leading to the city were jammed.

Several media outlets also reported that rescue helicopters had problems taking away the heavily injured

because there was not enough space for them to land.


Authorities believe the panic might have first been sparked outside the tunnel when some revelers tried to

jump over a barrier and fell, said Wolfgang Rabe, the head of the crisis unit set up by Duisburg city authorities.


Police commissioner Juergen Kieskemper said that just before the stampede occurred at about 5 p.m.

(1500 GMT, 11 a.m. EDT), police closed off the area where the parade was being held because it was already overcrowded. They told revelers over loudspeakers to turn around and walk back in the other direction before

the panic broke out, he said.


Eyewitness Udo Sandhoefer told n-tv television that even though no one else was being let in, people still

streamed into the tunnel, causing "a real mass panic."


"At some point the column (of people) got stuck, probably because everything was closed up front, and we

saw that the first people were already lying on the ground," he said.


"Others climbed up the walls and tried somehow to get into the grounds from the side, and the people in

the crowd that moved up simply ran over those who were lying on the ground."


Another witness, a young man who wasn't named, told n-tv the tunnel became so crowded that people

began falling. "It got tighter and tighter from minute to minute and at some point everyone just wanted out,"

he said. "People were just pushed together until they fell over."


Duisburg city officials decided at a crisis meeting to let the parade go on to prevent more panic and another

stampede, said city spokesman Frank Kopatschek.


It is the worst accident of its kind since nine people were crushed to death and 43 more were injured at a

rock festival in Roskilde, Denmark, in 2000. That fatal accident occurred when a huge crowd pushed forward

during a Pearl Jam gig.


The Love Parade was once an institution in Berlin, but has been held in the industrial Ruhr region of western

Germany since 2007.


The original Berlin Love Parade grew from a 1989 peace demonstration into a huge outdoor celebration of

club culture that drew about 1.5 million people at its peak in 1999. But it suffered from financial problems

and tensions with city officials in later years, and eventually moved.


The website of the Love Parade — whose motto this year was "The Art of Love — went black on Saturday

night, with words in white saying:


"Our wish to arrange a happy togetherness was overshadowed by the tragic accidents today.... Our sincere

condolences to all the relatives and our thoughts are with all of those who are currently being taken care of."




Gera reported from Berlin.

Associated Press Writers Geir Moulson and Kirsten Grieshaber contributed to this report from Berlin.


God bless 'em.

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