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Registered for my college classes yesterday


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I chose a writing class (for general ed. I don't want to be a writer), a math class (I hate math) and then two really cool classes.


I'm doing a ceramics class that is specifically for throwing. I don't know if I've mentioned this but besides playing guitar ceramics is basically my favorite thing to do. Specifically throwing. I love throwing. So I'm pretty excited about this class.


The other cool class is an intro to music technology. It's a prerequisite for a recording class that I want to take. I may make this my major. I don't know.

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I agree Milod. I'm sure I'll learn some useful skills in the writing class. I'm already good enough to get by IMO but this class will teach my how to do things properly. I know there will be a lot of MLA formatting going on. To be honest I'm a little unsure about how I will do in that class. It seems like a hard class. Especially because I placed into a pretty high level writing class. I just hope I'm not in over my head.

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Take the courses you want to take, but whatever course of study you take (and I can't stress this enough), learn how to really use the library.

Learning how to use the library was probably the second most important thing I learned in college.

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...but, seriously, as milod and Jantha said, the writing class will be invaluable. Strong verbal communication skills AND strong written communication skills are essential for one to be considered well educated, and will help you secure a desirable career.


Let's face it; we can't ALL be guitar gods. Some of us will have to become scientists, engineers, educators, etc., and being able to communicate is an important skill.

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I learned three main lessons in college.


1. You've gotta take it seriously and return what the teachers want for the curriculum. E.g., after I "dropped out" of my first college I ran into one of my profs who said he loved having me as a student and that I'd learned more than any other student in the class. "Thanks for the 'C,'" said I. "Well, you didn't follow the curriculum," said he. The class, BTW, was music. (I liked the guy, by the way, and he actually performed my atonal piano piece for the class.)


2. Don't OD on guitar playing unless you're being paid, and even then put it into perspective.


3. Don't get a part time job that's very rewarding and intellectually stimulating while you feel bored with classroom stuff. You'll end up dropping out a second and/or third time and regretting the heck out of it.



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