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Sheraton Shielding question?


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I have just brought a set of Irongear Alchemist P90 pickups. They have had great reviews and are very cheap! I plan on installing them in my sheraton but im just thinking if it would be worth shielding the pickup cavities to help reduce any dreaded hum? I have previously used the star grounded method with a strat which worked great but cannot find any mention of sheilding a semi?





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FWIW, I just installed GFS Mean 90s in my Dot, with no shielding, and I'm having no problem with hum (unless I'm a foot away from the amp). I really love how they sound. Judging from the soundclips on IronGear's web site, the Alchemists will probably have a similar vibe. When they're in, play the intro to Ticket To Ride!

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I used paint grounded at the bridge wire.

you'd actually tend to get some noise around the pots, far less chance at the pups.

I did mine anyway. *S*

lots of wire hanging under that f hole is where you pick up noise though.

So sheilded wire and as short as you can make it.


I will say, they make these stupidly.

clearly, you need a plate along the lower edge of the body. remove four screws and the pots slide out the hole.

they'd go in and out easy as pie. and not do a dang thing to the look or sound of the guitar.


the output jack would be on the plate instead of the face, safer, smarter, closer.

for me, the three way is in the wrong place.. put my vol. controls up top, 3 way lower down. slightly different positions for all.

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Arf. Since these guitars are wired pretty much 100% with shielded wire, there's not much bonus to be gained by additional shielding. It doesn't hurt, but in the end analysis you won't notice much improvement especially considering the effort it's going to take to shield an archtop guitar properly.


Back in the day of Ratcastraters with single coil pickups and completely unshielded wiring, it was worth it to line the cavities with copper foil or even in some cases brass sheet and the end result was a much quieter guitar. But that was then, this is now...

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