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what kind of les paul is this


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Looks like a 2001 limited edition L.P.Standard....Made in Saein factory in Korea.

May have been called something else...I don't see a screw hole on top where the pickguard was removed.

That model may have come without one. Is there a hole on the side where the pickguard bracket was?

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Huh. I don't know that I've ever seen black keystone tuners.


Is it a set-in neck, or a bolt-on?


Again...without playing it or seeing it in person, this is speculation....but if you like it, make him an offer. If it's a bolt-on, try to get him to take $50 or so off the price.

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This guitar was built in 2001. Already 7 years old. It look pretty nice and in my humble opinion, the guitar that came out from Saein, Korea are very good, for the experience I had with them. ( My Ultra is from that factory )

My only doubt is from the tuning pegs...but you could always change them for Grover at a cheap price if they're not doing the job.

But as said everybody else, it's hard to evaluate guitars from pictures....

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