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I love it. Just love. Its astounding. I got it thinking I was going to do the mods I hear about online, but honestly, I love it as is. I might get a 2nd one to monkey around with for mods, but the newest versions of these little combo monsters are just the bomb. LOVE IT! Can't believe the tone out of this little thing and the price is astounding. Wow! Just.... WOW!

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If it's fresh out of the box, it'll sound even better in a few weeks. And yet, you can still boutique-ify the heck out of it to make it even better. But fair warning. Learning to mod is a dark road loaded with pitfalls and sleezy creatures of the night who will get you addicted before you realize it's too late to turn back. And then there's a dark side. Be afraid. Be very afraid! Run while you still have the chance! =D>



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Its about four days old, its the Rev 3 combo, and I'm knocked out. Wow. Such tone in a neat little package. I love that Epi listened too, and did things to continue improving it, like updating the speaker, fixing the hum and giving the three output choices on the back. I got this in an endorsement, and heard great things about it, but I ain't gonna lie, I was prejudiciously skeptical until I plugged it it. When it was set at like eleven o'clock, plugged straight into it, it knocked my doors off. Amazing. Just amazing.

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Definitely get a 2nd VJr if you can. Then if you start modding one, you'll have the other for direct comparisons. Some mods like the choice between Sozo vs Mallory vs Orange Drop coupling caps among many others are very subtle, but having two amps helps you know when you've made real improvements and what the differences are. Like having two guitars that play leapfrog while improving from all the tweaks.


Besides, it's good to have an amp to play while the other's undergoing surgery. =D>



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Its about four days old' date=' its the Rev 3 combo, and I'm knocked out. Wow. Such tone in a neat little package. I love that Epi listened too, and did things to continue improving it, like updating the speaker, fixing the hum and giving the three output choices on the back. I got this in an endorsement, and heard great things about it, but I ain't gonna lie, I was prejudiciously skeptical until I plugged it it. When it was set at like eleven o'clock, plugged straight into it, it knocked my doors off. Amazing. Just amazing.[/quote']


Yup they do sound nice,but as nice as it is with that 8"...it's even better with a 12" speaker. I like to run my modded combo with the 8" and an extetion cab with a 12".....Huge sound! Welcome to the club!

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I agree, Go for a 2nd Junior. I been working on mine last few days.


* I have it biased right, or I think I do.I need to have you all check me at sewatt when it's back up.

* I have a Hammond 125ESE OT.(opens everything up)

* I put the Tweed control in and it really makes these amps 3X as versatile.

* R4 is 1/2Watt Carbon Comp.

* C1 and C2 to SOZO's (very subtle but waiting to break in)

* And the best improvement for my taste so far was C3 and C4 to 1uf. WOW, I may stop here after these. I'd have to buy a 3rd VJ to keep trying for better though. Just to be sure.


As good as the VJ is stock with a set of JensenP10R's, I can't beleive how almost perfect it is after these few easy changes.


Still using stock tubes too! Have a JJ and 5751 that will go in soon so it'll only get better.=D>

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How do I know which version I have? My serial# is 00602071340472. So far I've been putting in different NOS tubes and trying different speakers. Nice amp. I will be modding it. The output transformer seems like a good place to begin. I have Sozo's, etc. Has anyone tried the sag mod with the large resistor?

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If you have a black circuit board, it's a version 3 amp. If the board is green and doesn't hum like crazy, it's a version 2 VJr.



For the sag resistor to work, you should stick with the stock 22uF filter cap values and 25 to 50uF on the el84's cathode bypass cap. Otherwise, the sag resistor won't make much if any difference at all.



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mrjones2004x , by "opens everything up" I mean it was kinda like listening to the amp from behind the speaker cab then after was like turning the speakers to face you. More detail and tone.

I should have wrote that I was comparing it to the Ver2 OT's that were 7.5K. The new Ver3 stock OT's are good. The Hammond 125ESE won't be as much a difference on a Ver3.


I really recomend the C3 & C4 to 1uf if you you're like me and wanted to get rid of the bassy,boomies n farties.

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