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Strings and setup for tapping on LP?


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Hey there,


I like the style of Eddie Van Halen and his tapping. Have learnt some and am gradually picking up spped and becoming more fluent my questions are,


What is a good type of setup to go for? Low or high or just normal?


Are there any strings which are more suited for tapping? Flat wound, G string wound? 9's, 10's, 11's?


I have a LP std with a std sort of setup hight at the minute.



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Guest alanhindle

I would say an Epi LP Standard is not the ideal guitar for tapping or, indeed, any high gain rock. I would go for a guitar aimed at metal i.e. having a flat neck, jumbo frets and EMG style pickups for best results. One of the prophecy series would be a better bet and, if you want to do EVH, there are a couple of these with EMGs and Floyd Rose trems. If you do want to stick with your standard, I think the most effective way would be to change the pickups and keep the action as low as you can.

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Hope all is well today.

Alot of yours from across the pond around here lately. It might be refreshing to start seeing more Epi pics from around the world.


You got me curious. I went to youtube and watched some Eddie Van Halen. I have listened for years to his music. Never watched him play it.


Conserning his sound: I understand that you are after "that sound". However, have you taken a good look at his equipment? He probably has more money into some of his setups as I have into my entire collection.(moddest though it might be.

If I was looking for that sound, hot pickups are a must. Alenhindle is spot on concerning the Floyd Rose. Don't forget the locking nut.

You might be just as well off considering a good Modeler. Otherwise I think you are looking at a lot of money.


Conserning tapping itself: Tapping has become an art. Do you think Eddie would sound any worse if he were doing it on an acoustic?

The guy has his own style. He also happens to be very good at it.

I hope you find your style and make it sound good for you. (tapping included)

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Thanks guys, I have a Kramer striker with floyd rose2 which ive painted in the 5150 style he played. That has a quad rail pickup about 15k ohms. Can achieve the sound quite well on both amps (My EVJ and my Vox AD-30-VT) more so on the vox because of effects.

Anyway my LP pickup is the std in the guitar and this is fine for his music, he only used pickups with around 13k ohms apparently (custom wound) it was mainly the amp O/D. Think it was a marshall plexi.

My LP is a hell of a lot nicer guitar to play than the Kramer. The kramer is in need of a refret big time and seems to go out of tune easily even with the locking nut on. (i brought as a project so its more of a looker more than a player)


I always play the LP for songs like "You really Got Me" without the whammy needed.


The tone of my LP is sometimes to good for that 80's rock sound so i use the kramer which has 1 volume control and 1 pick up! Simple but effective. The kramer is ply wood also so only does that heavy sort of distorted music as it lacks tone when clean.


Looking to sell a few of my guitars soon so can buy a axe with a floyd which is in better nic.



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What is a good type of setup to go for? Low or high or just normal?



Normal' date=' unless you're tapping [i']exclusively[/i] like Stanley Jordan. He uses low action.




Strings? If you're just starting out the plain strings are more fingerfriendly. It takes some time to build up callouses on your tapping-finger(s) before you can tap the wound strings.

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Guest alanhindle


Looking to sell a few of my guitars soon so can buy a axe with a floyd which is in better nic.



What guitars have you been looking at MrJones? There's a guy on youtube who posts videos of comparisons of metal guitars and floyd rose trem systems e.g.

From what he is saying, the trem to go for has to be an original Floyd Rose made by Schaller in Germany.

I've researched the following:

-Jackson SL3 soloist (Far East made)- says original Floyd Rose, but I'm not so sure it is. It would cost £700

-ESP Horizon (USA made) and top of range ESP LTD MH1000 (Far East made) from £800ish for the LTD

-Kramer 1984 reissue (I think now unavailable); Kramer Baretta- Both would cost us a fair bit extra in import duty and taxes. The ultimate EVH guitar but no so flexible with only one pickup.

-Carvin custom made USA guitars- you can create your own dream guitar (again, we'd have to pay the import duty, tax and distributors cut- I've been quoted and a nice HSH & FR equipped guitar in a metallic finish would cost around £800.


Are you tempted by any of the above remembering that, for the £800 mark, you could get either a Gibson Les Paul Studio or a Gibson SG standard.



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