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Got the wilkinson roller bridge for my sheri in today...


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And SURPRISE!!! It did not fit, even though they (guitar fetish) said it would. Thought I'd warn everyone with a sheri that was looking at these.


I should have really looked into it more on these forums and taken TWANGS advice...


If anyone can send a link my way to one that will work it would be much appreciated!


Also- If i can't get a new one I'll just keep the bridge that's on it but will take the gold off of it. Does anyone know the best way to do this?



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1. In case I ever buy anything from guitar fetish....Since it is their mistake, will they take it back and issue a refund?

2. Why will it not work? Post size or post centers?

3. What is the center to center post measurement?

4. Have you looked at the ones at stewmac.com?..or...were you set on the wilkinson?

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1. I think they will take it back if i pay shipping :(

2. Post centers. The studs fit fine, but the bridge was too wide for the area between one stud to the other.

3. Don't know yet, plan on taking a measuring caliper to it tomorrow.

4. Absolutely not set on wilkinson! Even if they did fit I would have been disappointed. In the picture they looked black chrome, but they ended up looking like they had one layer of crappy flat black spray paint on them. I was sure the paint on the threads of the studs was going to come off as soon as I screwed them into the guitar.


Not only that, but all and all I was surprised how cheesy the quality/fit was on these. They seemed to be made by some amateur in his garage. A couple of the screws that are used to tighten down the bridge to the studs fell out of the bridge when i shook it a little.


I have not looked at the ones at stewmac. I surely will though. Thanks!

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I charge less than stew man.. to start with.

And I have a sheri.. they aren't all the same.. but I'll call this in and get you the right one.

I'll see if my Schaller on the lp will fit my sheri.. they come in black gold and chrome..


I still suggest graph tech saddles instead and just degold what you have..


they say oven cleaner will take the gold off.. I don't know how consistent the result would be... maybe start a thread and get someone's attention whose done that.


I'll give All Parts a call they have the most roller bridges..

it's the korean sheris that have the problem.. in fact, they had at least three bridges.. two manus one of worse quality, and a third that's spaced a bit differently.

I have a chrome repro that will fit yours handy.. and I can get you some saddles if it comes to that.

But I'll check for a roller!



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