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HNGD - G400 SG


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Finally got my G400 SG this morning. Too bad I have to go on a school trip and can't play it at all today. It's used, but looks like new, still very shiny, not a mark on it. Had a quick play this morning and sounds good. Hot like my Les Paul, but not as bassy, and not so much sustain, which is to be expected since it's comparatively lighter. I love this colour, pics really don't do it justice, it's so rich! Came with a genuine Epiphone hardcase too which is cool.



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Hey rowdy, seems you and I share some common interests; guitars and hot rods! I'm not much of a fan of stickers on a guitar. I've always wanted some pinstriping on a guitar though, something that follows the shape of the pickguard, maybe a couple of line's round the control knobs, or some nice symmetrical pinstripe pattern beneath the bridge, like what you might see on the hood of your favourite rod or custom.

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Just being a pic wh0re and posting this pic I took, some of you may have seen it in my avatar already. I took it myself and am quite proud of how sort of 'professional studio' esque it turned out considering it was quite improvised. I set up a couple of big old display boards as the backdrop and took some pics. I don't even have a fancy SLR camera or anything, just a point and shoot digi cam. It was just set on Auto with the Macro turned on, and it came out so well I did all my guitars in the same style!


Anyway, here's the shot. Makes for a nice desktop background in a higher resolution too.



I'd also like to take this opportunity to give it a small review. First off, let me say, I love it. I really don't know where to go from there to explain why it's so good, but it is and I love it. It sounds fantastic. I'm a neck pickup kind of guy, and it sounds great. Both pickups do, they sound very strong, not muddy at all. Or at least not what I would call mud, more like balls. The G-310, now that was muddy!


It's like there is a very small amount of single coil sound in that neck pickup, it has just a subtle hint of that gorgeous, rounded, quacky kind of sound. Not Strat quacky (this is far better than any Strat in my opinion), far more subtle than that, but it's there ever so slightly and it sounds great. The bridge pickup is hot and very responsive. The neck is super slim and fast, probably my favourite neck of any guitar. It's wide enough for plenty of bending, and easy fretting, but narrow enough to be comfortable. The finish is epic. The colour is rich and glossy, and if you flip it over, the neck really lives up to the name 'Cherry' it looks exactly like a cherry. The tuners are great, nice and fine for accurate tuning. The pots are smooth, and after I fitted the nut and washer back to the jack, that's perfect too.


It has that neck dive that so many people comment about. But you know what? I disagree that it's neck heavy. I think it's because the strap button is on the very back of the guitar, and is at 90 degrees to the one on the end, whereas on a Les Paul, both strap buttons, whilst not directly in line, follow the same general axis, and are at 180 degrees to one another, that the neck 'dives' when you let go of it (and lets face it, how often is that anyway?). Being at 90 degrees means that the strap button rolls inside the hole in your guitar strap like a rope roles over a pulley, and the neck falls down. I think it's generally a very well balanced guitar, and I think if the strap buttons wore at 180 degrees to each other like an LP, there would be no neck dive, or a very minimal amount. I'm so confident of it in fact that I would put money on it! Altough there really is no way you could mount a button any other way.


For a comparatively light guitar, it sure sustains well. As InsideMan said, the neck joint on these things are simply stunning and I bet that has a lot to do with it. I have been playing it pretty much all evening, plugged straight into my wee 25R amplifier, no effects, and it's simply fantastic, a real, no modifications required, keeper for sure.

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