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New Epi's

Greg Curtis

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Numbers on paper...that's all. Until you can get one in your hands, they don't mean much...IMHO. I only wish Gibson and Epiphone would

build ALL their guitars, to the specs they seem reserve for the CS or "limited editions," tribute or otherwise. I don't understand the double

standard, beyond Elitism and Pure Greed! OK...I feel a Rant beginning...and, probably, TMI, so I'll stop (for now)....LOL!



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Like Charlie says, Greg ... it looks good on paper, but the proof will be in the pickin'.


I'm just afraid that when I eventually get my mits on one it's gonna have one of those neanderthal clubs for a neck! I'm actually a bit more interested in the LP Tribute which comes with either a 60's taper or the asymetrical neck. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess ...



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