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So a guy walks into a guitar shop

Andy R

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So a guy (or girl or you) walks into a guitar store with around $5,000.00 and has his heart set on buying a Gibson Les Paul Custom. What he doesn't know is that the shop owner has a "Cloning machine" and is able to clone an exact replica of the Gibson Les Paul Custom that you want. The Only difference is that the Gibson Logo (on any branded part) turns out saying Gibsum instead of Gibson. We have all seen enough science fiction to know when you're cloning some little quirk happens. [blink]


The Gibson LP Custom is hanging all nice and shiny behind the counter with a price of $4200.00 and the Gibsum is sitting on a stand somewhere in the store connected to an amp. The guy tells the salesman that he wants to buy the LP hanging behind the counter. The salesman knowing he will make a killing off the clone tells the customer all about the Gibsum LP clone and that it only costs $1200.00 (with cloned Gibsum case of course). What do you think would happen?


My answer honestly would probably be that I might try the Gibsum, say it plays really nice but would probably go ahead and spend the money on the Gibson. Why????

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How do we know that little problem is the wood and not something else?


Because it is my scenario and in this scenario everything is cloned exactly to the smallest quark. It just can't spell very well. :)

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I'll buy the best instrument, sonically, that is available.


Where am I losing you?


There would be no sonic difference because they are a clone so they are the exact same guitar in every visual and sonic way Impossible I know but work with me here! ;)

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There wold be no sonic difference because they are a clone so they are the exact same guitar in every visual and sonic way Impossible I know but work with me here! ;)



You mean, except for the names.... identical in every visual way except the names....



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You mean, except for the names.... identical in every visual way except the names....




You are cracking me up. Yes identical in every single detail except the spelling of the name.

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[scared] The Gibsum is a known counterfeit brand. Gibson is a known brand. If the guy or girl walks in with the money in hand, they already know that a Gibson LP Custom is going to be overpriced; If they are a musician or collector, they'll buy the Gibson, and will pay the premium price for the name recognition, even if they fully understand that the price they are going to pay isn't reasonable; and even if they fully realize and understand exactly the costs of manufacturing a Gibson LP Custom. This assumes of course that there aren't any other variables in the equation...............


Do I get a free Gibsum now so I can put EMGs in it and sell it to DemOOn for $1263.79 and buy myself a Blender Natocaster ???



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So if they both play exactly the same, and are built of identical quality components, come with the same warranty and accessories, I'd buy the $1200.00 guitar.


There is no label in the world worth $3000.


Unless there are other "quirks" that haven't been mentioned....

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/chuckle I'm glad you took this humorously, as it was intended :D


Of course man. You don't post something as silly as this and not expect some kinda wise cracks. I have thick skin and a good (sometimes obscure) sense of humor. Glad you're playing along. That's why I put that it was cloned and not two Gibsons one just rebranded because I expected the sonic difference remark. :) So another way to think of this is I wonder if you stuck a Lotus, or Memphis logo over the Gibson Logo on a 1958 Les Paul and put a price tag of say 900.00 on it and stuck it in with a bunch of other no name guitars how long or would anyone ever buy it? Just on the merit of how it sounded or played? :-k

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Of course man. You don't post something as silly as this and not expect some kinda wise cracks. I have thick skin and a good (sometimes obscure) sense of humor. Glad you're playing along. That's why I put that it was cloned and not two Gibsons one just rebranded because I expected the sonic difference remark. :) So another way to think of this is I wonder if you stuck a Lotus, or Memphis logo over the Gibson Logo on a 1958 Les Paul and put a price tag of say 900.00 on it and stuck it in with a bunch of other no name guitars how long or would anyone ever buy it? Just on the merit of how it sounded or played? :-k



I've wondered this. Take a '59 LP, put "First Act" or something on it and see if anyone ever buys it....



I think I would. I'm not a brand specific kinda guy and am usually searching for a specific tone... sound and playability are king for me!

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I've wondered this. Take a '59 LP, put "First Act" or something on it and see if anyone ever buys it....



I think I would. I'm not a brand specific kinda guy and am usually searching for a specific tone... sound and playability are king for me!


Then you are obviously a player and a musician who has not been brain washed about brands. I like the way you think dude. I'll tell you a quick little story from my days at Fernandes. We would usually get in shipments from Japan of about 2,000 guitars at a time. When they came in I inspected every one of them and graded them according to quality of production. SYK the plant in Japan at the time also made all of the Japanese Fenders. Occasionally I would pull out a "Fernandes" and it would have an American shaped fender headstock and logo. There was also a time that we received a shipment of guitars and they all had an issue with the neck pocket being cut slightly too wide so that if you were looking from the face of the guitar there would be about an 1/8th of an inch overhang to the right of where the neck set into the pocket. I rejected all of these guitars and they were shipped back to Japan. Now for the strange coincidence part. I started noticing a month or so later that some of the Made in Mexico and Made in the US Fenders in the guitar shops around town had this same issue... I'm not saying anything one way or the other I just thought that was awfully strange to happen. :-k

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So almost like the Japan plant had a bad template and shared it?


Or... queue conspiracy music..... the US and Mexico were making Japanese fakes!!!




LMAO In my conspiracy theory I was thinking that the "US and Mexican" made strats were at least using Japanese made bodies at some point. But I really enjoy your theory as well and I may have to rethink the whole thing. BRILLIANT! =D>

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